
Is Game of Thrones better than the Avengers? Uh, of course. There's a bit of an unfair comparison, the medium is different (TV series vs. feature film), as is the desired audience (I don't think HBO is making a billion dollars on GoT).

You mean to say there's cheating in online gaming???? NO WAY!

The system Creative Assembly uses has nothing to do with Metacritic except that they use a 100-point scale...right? They are internally imagining what some douchey reviewer might say? And the point of the article's not that hard to do this accurately!

Bitches gotta stop being distracting while giving handjobs.....wrecking perfectly good motorcycles.

It's quaint how you think there are things that people on the intertubes DON'T complain about.

Nice way to grab headlines for your doctoral research, I especially like how the actual explanation (video games are violent) is buried under a fairly horrible blizzard of pseudo-academic gibberish. is the service you have to use if you don't own a PS3?

It's very true that racism or sexism has no independent existence outside of your head. Wait, are you really John Roberts?

Surely you're joking about Ashley; unless you define sexless as "not showing skin and holding her mouth provocatively half-open all the time," and if you do, you might want to reread the original post. Sheesh.

Did everyone just see Tebow kick a 59 yard field goal? Man, Jesus just can't miss.......Wait, who is Prater???????

Hey Deadspin, what is the average time you actually keep videos up on your site? 10 minutes? Almost every story with a video I click on says "video not available".....yet other blogs manage to keep the videos up and running.

My money is on Tanya Harding......they could package a box set and sell them on Deadspin for $2.18 a piece.

Actually, I think Josh would fall under Drunken Hookup Failures

Indeed. At this rate there won't be a point in making current Kinect hardware compatible with the xbox72,000—which they really should do.

Ask and ye shall receive.

The post proceeds in the wrong direction. "Hardcore" is a term defined culturally by its users, and it is fundamentally a claim to status in a particular subculture. By claiming to be "hardcore" (or any of the other words below," one primarily separates oneself/creates "others" of lesser status, and only secondarily

I can forsee a future in which all foods have been replaced by mac and cheese. It is a glorious future.

Really would have liked to have NOT seen that National Anthem.....bring back the hate monger

Yeah, there is nothing hotter than "Video Not Found" every time I click on a NSFW Deadspin post.

As a former member of the Old Guard fantasy league, and personal playoff recipient of the Heroes meltdown, I love this shit!