Romostradomus the Undylng

You. I like you.

You’re not an intelligent person and nobody values anything you have to say. 

Yes, I could be contributing to society, helping the less fortunate, enjoying to company of friends (if I had any), or just be a kind, decent human. But instead I chose to be a right wing incel troll. I’m such a bag of shit.

I talk english so good. I am red blod american and like apple dogs and hot pie.

So basically they’re hoping to appeal this up to be handed a win by their buddies on the Supreme Court or, worst case, tie things up long enough to at least disenfranchise poor folks past the 2020 elections and buy time to cement their power that much more firmly.

Is that why everything you post either gets ignored or ratioed into oblivion?

the Koch funded governor of Alaska just vetoed the legislature’s proposed operating budget on the last day of the fiscal year, including a $130 million (40%) cut to the University of Alaska.  Guess we’re just a warehouse for the oil industry now, not a state.

I got hung up on the “If you use _______, it’s like someone else is doing it.” on the final exam.

... school of trolling while masturbating.


You’re trying way too hard. I know you think you’re “owning the libs” but this is just pathetic. Please find a hobby or seek therapy.

You’re not an intelligent person and nobody values what you have to say.

You are entirely incorrect, but it’s hilarious to watch you try to dig yourself out of your own shithole of stupidity.

The word you’re looking for is “perspective,” you fucking troglodyte.

As an official right wing troll, I hate Omar (Actually, it’s my own inadequacies and failures I hate. I’m simply too weak, lazy and lacking in self reflection to do anything about them.)

Dismiss your ragebaby troll, there’s nothing of value there.

At this point I’m inclined to believe “Russian hookers peeing on Obama’s bed” is a tossup, but that there’s definitely a tape of Putin pissing directly on Trump’s face.

The pee tape is real. 

Doxx that dirty motherfucker, his familiy and anyone who works for this complete fucking shitstain Nazi.

This alone is why Trump should lose in 2020. The fact that he’s using Russia to win elections and undermined the United States. Trolls will laugh but this isn’t funny. It’s disturbing.