Romostradomus the Undylng

Even by shitty trolling standards this is uber-shitty. 0/10

I have no idea how to use punctuation correctly.

Have you ever wondered why someone would devote time and energy to trolling? Is it a desire to stimulate rational political discourse and debate? Adherence to the Socratic philosophy to question the status quo? An effort to interject, into a rigidly structured socio-economic society, what are currently non-mainstream

As the president of the Moscow Troll and Incel Association I can confirm Bill is a troll (and most definitely an incel).

As the president of the Moscow Troll and Incel Association I can confirm Bill is a troll (and most definitely an incel).

As a right wing, racist, asshole troll, I endorse this comment.

And if anyone know what a stupid fucking moron is, it’s me. 

Wow. You idiots actually think I’m on your side. Dont you know I’m an asshole bigot. Do you read any of my other shitty posts?

Wow. You idiots actually think I’m on your side. Dont you know I’m an asshole bigot. Do you read any of my other shitty posts?

I star my own comments because Im a twat

And I’m a total fucking racist ass wipe

And I’m a total fucking racist ass wipe who occasionally concern trolls. I’m a fat piece of shit with no life

I have no fucking idea of when to use quotes

I stay because Im paid to be here (Or I have no life and cant get it up to porn anymore)

I stay because Im paid to be here (Or I have no life and cant get it up to porn anymore)

Happy four of july from Russia! Soon russian tanks (and those from north korea) will grind the streets of Washington DC. MAGAT!

I not speak english either as my shit posts atest to

I not speak english either as my shit posts atest to

I just string random words together and hope they make sense

I just string random words together and hope they make sense