
Is it wrong to shame someone who makes excuses for their lack of appetite control?

You mean to tell me that I can stream content I would otherwise own and be able to resell? TELL ME MORE ABOUT HOW I CAN BE DISENFRANCHISED!

We need to take the fight against opioid addiction to Afghanistan where we can get to the source of the problem. I think we need to lobby our senators and maybe beseech the benevolent pharmaceutical industry for support and then maybe we can find a solution.

if voting could change anything, it would be made illegal.

it’s like you people have no appreciation for the essence of the show. Season 3 was the best yet. Comparing it to bojack (which is a good show) is like comparing Mozart with Nicki Minaj. Yeah, they feature alcoholic cartoon characters, but it stops there. Some of you people commenting on the space in which the show


There can be no peace without justice and there is a systemic and inherent corruption coming from those who we elect to seek and provide and dispense it.

Does he deserve to lose viewership over this?