Creative Ninja

What is that if not “Soup R’ Crackers” o.O

IIRC HP just released an app which adds printing support, I don’t really know how it works, but Google can probably help you with it.

They make these horrible toys but make good ones like this into just a variant cover :(

I also love how they have approached the remote hacking UI, it’s a minigame in it’s own way. In fact I would say it would be more universally loved than the hacking one for it’s simplicity.

Can we get a post detailing all the available alternatives for general software applications for Chrome OS?

See your comment on notification history.

You can get Marvel Unlimited first month free using STARWARS code (not sure if there’s space in between) and read the starting issues.

I tried resetting things for myself, and seems you need to delete the default/original cookie first for it to work properly. Because for some reason it wasn’t replacing it now.

P.S. IMO Google may have changed it on their side to prevent people from using an experimental video player. Another thing I noticed was that

Did you try opening a video after doing this?

I know you’re not dumb, but I am just trying to cover all the bases.

If it’s still not working, I’m linking you to another site, it’ll show you the proper code (you’ll need to exchange it for the cookie provided here, which is: Q06SngRDTGA)

The link: http://googlesystem.blogsp

Try pasting this into the javascript console:

Or if you don’t wanna install an extension, you can copy and paste this into your javascript console(opened using the shortcut Cmd/Ctrl+Shift+J in Chrome):

You saw the gif after it had started. The gif starts when scout with his hands tied starts running towards demoman and ends with the sword in his chest.

Please don't let the opinion of others define what you do, if you want to show cleavage do that, if you just wanna show your face, if you even wanna keep doing it as you're doing, do that, not even my opinion should affect what you would like to do. We all have freedoms and we should be enjoying them.

This one is really easy, the answer is the 9th statement is true.


I captioned it such in my fb group :P

I only recently watched that movie, and that made me appreciate your sign that much more... :D

Actually it can be cheaper if you buy something like the Moto X or G. :P

Give importance to, as far as I can tell.

Seriously, I turned to my friends just after that but turned back in embarrassment because I was not expecting that! And I never do that, it really was amazing in 3D.