
Yes!  My first thought was that she was going for the camera.  Then I was like, “Where the hell is she going?” We soon found out...

The best part is when she fell through the ceiling. 

Going to actually come in and argue that Alex Rodriguez is cool. Or, at the very least, not worth being lumped in with preening dicks like Ronaldo or childish locker room cancers like Dwight. I’ve really enjoyed A-Rod’s time on Sunday Night Baseball and I think history will remember him pretty fondly.

A striker’s striker....who plays as a winger?

It’s to distract you from the safety g-string that is in front of your face.

Cannot. Unsee.

That top image makes it look like he’s forcing Jeff Bezos to smell his belly button.

Hopefully Richie racked that dumbbell afterwards, I don’t want to think he’s an asshole or anything.

If they offset do we have to replay the anthem? I for one am in favor of this solution as it will result in Gene Steratore having to suppress his laughter while having to announce the off-setting penalties and that we will replay the anthem.

How the fuck does someone graduate Summa Cum Laude when they are homeschooled? What does that even mean?

Great, now we need a whole new food pyramid, since mine is clearly out of date...

I’d wager that 0-60 times are lickety-split.

Because cleaning a small lens with your thumb is so difficult.

He’s going to Staples to use some scissors (he can’t afford to buy them).

Ive got a 2015 that has been vault like quiet and in comfort mode with sport or sport plus throttle it is fantastic around town.

Think of it this way and you’ll see why this is such a popular loan product:

Having heard so much about what a total poop-a-rama the transition was, and having watched every minute I could get of Obama in his last days, my admiration of the man only continues to grow. He kept his cool and conducted himself impeccably in the face of the real idiocy he knew would follow him.

Was so confused when the dude just started talking about passwords. For a good 15 seconds I was like hmm, I guess not having to worry about passwords while on vacation would reduce some stress. Wait WTF does this have to do with how cruises work???

Australians put their head in the toilet bowl and pee upwards, just the opposite of us.

The M1A1 is old as fuck, not much to reverse engineer. We gave the iraqi’s the snicklefritz