
I think in this environment, he should be aware of how this could be perceived.

I agree. What bullshit that they are making you wade through those ones of articles that aren’t sufficiently on topic for you. Here, I’ve trooped all the way past that to the rest of the entire front page to find the dozen articles that might be more to your liking:

I’m just happy the President has finally found his intellectual equal to spar with. Truly this is Lincoln/Douglas 2: Electric Boogaloo.

I was all set for Dril to turn out to be famous actor Jack Nicholson.

Am I the only one totally unimpressed with the psychiatrist saying “Don’t google it!”? I reckon he handled that poorly - should have taken time to explain the diagnosis better, and finished with “it’s better if you don’t look online as there is a lot of misinformation out there, but if you must - I recommend these

I’m a psychologist who specializes in treating BPD, and this is one of the best fictional portrayals of the disorder that I’ve ever seen. The language used to describe the diagnosis was even in line with DBT, one of the most effective treatments for the disorder. Really impressed!

Do we reach a point where we notice that we’re reading a story about a man who is having events canceled after being on the receiving end of a single allegation of him making a single inappropriate comment?

Like if it is in a headline and then a clarification around five paragraphs down?

I agree that the entertainment industry should probably never get on their moral high horse again about...well, anything.

Meanwhile, R. Kelly and Chris Brown release a single called “Juicy Booty”

The funniest part of the VA race was Gillespie (a guy from New Jersey) and Trump (a guy from Queens) bloviating about “our southern heritage and precious statues”. Northam is a VA native who went to VMI and got his MD from Eastern VA Medical School. He couldn’t be more Virginia than if he was a literal Virginia ham

The studio says in a statement, “we’ve had productive discussions with the newly installed leadership at The Los Angeles Times regarding our specific concerns, and as a result, we’ve agreed to restore access to advance screenings for their film critics.”

They’ll be here shortly to belittle this victory with cynicism.

Sooooo, where’s all the commenters who said that this was a useless gesture? That DIsney would never submit? That the AV Club was doing something futile? All the naysayers and cynics who said that you might as well do nothing since that’s what “solidarity” gestures do? Weird how when disparate groups unionize they’re

Everyone knows comedy improves when you chop it up and put it in a montage.

I’m more surprised that Andy Dick was still getting work.

Never forget!

Pretty rude to go up to a stranger and ask them to dance.

Or you could read the librarian’s actual response suggesting that donating books to a library in an already wealthy, predominately white neighborhood is dumb, giving suggestions as to better places to choose, but nah the White House’s narrative makes for better clickbait, good job AV Club!