
No, in fact no one from google will make you sign up for this.

One whole non-criminal enterprise uses it... wow, now I'm convinced.

That would explain why network ratings are so high.... oh wait...

No. I couldn't care less to be honest.

This makes me like facebook even more.

Go buy a feature phone then.. problem solved.

As long as Amazon has lower prices, I don't care. Borders is another buggy whip manufacturer who can't complete. Too bad.

You are an idiot... pretty representative of most gawker readers though.

Crap like this is why I'm glad I browse all gawker sites with my ad blocker on.

This is stupid and anything who things this means anything is stupid as well.

Must have been a short guy.

Not me... of course I went to school when they taught you stuff...not when it became multicultural feel good time for boys and girls.

Well the entire Gawker redesign is pretty much universally considered an abortion of design...

Hard to believe the guys who came up with Windows XP Edition N would come up with something this dumb... oh wait, no it isn't...

That's not irony.