
Yeah, no complaints, just odd choices. I realise my post comes off a little negative, sorry! We had MonstersHD last month, and I think we've already had City as well. Definitely happy to have Sly, and pleased with a portable version of Hotline. I would like Castle of Illusion in the future though - that game is my

Well, sort of... I mean, you do pay for the service, after all. I'm certainly not complaining at all, don't get me wrong. Those are some odd choices, is all. I'd actually really appreciate Castle of Illusion!

Very true! I still haven't got round to playing it...

Thought I'd share the UK counterpart:

Man, I don't know why, but Davids is the epitome of cool to me. I spotted him straight off; this game has a sweet art style.

Edgar Davids?!

I came here to say just that. Thank you.

I agree so much with this. I'm only three chapters in, but I'm already wishing you could do that. Or maybe have more than three at any one time.

You're right about that much - we got the International version of FFX over here, though the US didn't.

Ah I love Tyrrell's - the vegetable ones are incredible! I've never seen the brie & bacon ones though... I may have to go a-hunting!

No problem! I think they're fantastic. Let me know what Canadian crisps I should try, should I ever visit! :-P

Ah, Brannigan's. I assumed you were talking about Walker's, what with the Lay's being in the article. Yeah, I guess we do have rather a lot of different flavours available if you're willing you trawl through different pubs and shops.

Honestly, I don't remember the last time I saw lamb & mint. And it's been at least a couple years since I saw roast beef and mustard. Sorry guys...

The sad thing is... I bought it, 4 days before it went free.

Guys, I'm pretty sure Asphalt is f2p now.

Added aussi!

Added you too, theo!

Don't worry - I've added both of yours! I only have 3 badges so I don't actually know what friend safari does yet... but hopefully that's okay!

Woo! Added you also!

Added you too!