
Is it Keza’s fault you can’t read?

I know it gets a lot of hate, but I really enjoyed Unity! I didn’t play it until all the major kinks were ironed out, so that helped. But still - I look back on it fondly! Paris is lovely and there are some great missions.

Sorry to disappoint, but if it’s anything like the first DLC, these new suits won’t have their own unique powers at all.

They did a while back - it’s a VR one.

It... Literally tells you why in the article...

Great article Brian, these all look absolutely fantastic. We’re planning on Japan for our honeymoon next summer but my wife isn’t a huge gamer - if I only had, say, a day to spend in arcades, where would you recommend I go?

Not true. I’ve bought albums and books that I’ve been disappointed in, and not once have I ever felt the authors or musicians owed me anything.


Hey I’m a Remainer through and through! I’m the one standing at the back timidly saying “Unfuck yourself” after every Brexiteer!

Pretty much, aye.

God, the Irish entry was dull this year. Bring back Jedward!

(actually, please don’t. you can keep Jedward)

The real crime is that Spain got so many points and the UK got so few! One of our best for a long time I thought (UK) so I was a little shocked we did so terribly... But the Spanish entry was about as exciting as damp cardboard.

Yeah, that’s exactly it. The character variety is insane! There are characters in there I had literally never heard of - like they recently added Phyla-Vell - and yet there they are, playable, with distinct movesets, passives and animations. And they’re all chatting with one another! Even as a pretty big Marvel lover,

Eh. I’ve played it for a while, but it’s just not the same. I like a lot of the alts, there’s some real fun in some of those designs, but there’s not a lot of love in there. And there’s certainly no strategy, which is something I enjoyed a lot. It’s okay, but it doesn’t grab me the way MAA did. :(

Glad you wrote a little thing about this, Mike. I’ve actually played this since the beginning - it may be the only game I’ve played for this length of time. As grateful as I am for the four years of fun, the announcement comes at an odd time, especially with all the recent content. With getting on for 200 playable

Very happy with Yakuza! Haven’t we in Europe already had Retro/Grade, though?

Dang, that’s not where I clicked at all! It’s actually the title - “aggressive” should have two Gs.

C’mon guys... get a spellchecker.

What are you talking about? The article title implies no such thing.

Holy Christ these things are expensive in the UK. Not cool.

Holy Christ these things are expensive in the UK. Not cool.