Yes we are no longer culturally and legally kneecapped into a forced dependence on men. This is indeed the end of traditional marriage.
I think the blame rest on both genders. I read an interesting story in Time last week that younger people are looking for a lot more in marriage, someone who is going to be like their coach and cheerleader, best friend, sexy hot lover, and bring out the best in them. At the same time, those same people report being…
Marriage is declining because women don’t NEED men anymore. We don’t have to put up with the average/bad ones who treat everyone like shit (and vice-versa with men no longer needing women). We only need to get married when we find one we WANT who also WANTS us. And in my opinion, unless you’re rocking my world in bed,…
Double fuck them. Remember their faces. When they come back for the inevitable Super Bowl run, block them. They are not allowed back.
As a Pats fan, please allow me to say: Fuck these people with a fencepost.
No, it’s just flat out racism. I am an Asian woman and still have had the “sideways vagina” thing come up. Obviously since this does not exist even in porn, it’s really just an ancient racist rumor that refuses to die.
The trainer was on vacation!
The problem here seems to be that the kids stole the pills instead of receiving them from a sketchy team doctor?
I’ll rub one out for him tonight.
.97 per team.
Look it was just a heated gaming moment.
Ending his Facebook post with “Yes I said it” not only showed how strong Smith’s convictions were, it also proved that he has to sound out everything he writes.
Unfortunately all of our white grandparents aren’t like him.
Every photo of Huckabee Sanders comes across as hateful as her comments. She’s got resting bigot face.
The other way to look at it is that Josh Norman got known Trump supporter Dan Snyder to join a protest that was in part a response to comments made by Donald Trump.
I feel like the sports world would be better off drained of this type of toxic male faux-masculinity.
I’d be interested to know how Norman reconciles the sentiments he expresses and the fact that he’s literally linking arms with Dan Snyder, a known Trump supporter and a man who has contributed money directly to Trump’s campaign. There’s no doubt that Snyder is anti-Kaeparnick/kneeling protest.