Romantic Placebo

The fact that Chuck owns a Roth novel to me was a red flag, and the fact that she drops it makes that even more relevant imo.

I think you missed the fact that the accusations against him have had zero effect on his life and he counters by giving a bunch of woe is me bullshit.

If your rationale is "some women like it" then you're not really advocating for women to say no more, because if they do, the guy can just ignore it thanks to knowing SOME women do like it…

Women are already working to show men how to be more in touch with their partner's feelings, and guys are working to help men realize how they can be unaware of the pressure and influence they exert on women. I simply can't understand how "that's what guys do" can be the rationale for a person who would be overjoyed

Women are less likely or able to work as many hours as men due to childcare and family problems that men are less likely to face, meaning that no matter how much they make there is a pay gap not in terms of how much they may be paid comparatively (Though women are also less likely to get raises as men) but how much

It's interesting how your conception of a woman as "strong" is directly opposed to her as a "child" even though Hannah is a pretty strong woman who finds herself similarly shocked and paralyzed in here…

You need to read up on what these transactions look like if this one wasn't enough to convince you. I recommend a certain passage in Jon Krakauer's Missoula about a woman who fell asleep in bed with a guy who woke up to him trying to hump her.

Capitalism has done nothing of the sort and all you need to do is look at who controls most of the wealth in the world to see that.

Do you think Hannah regretted grabbing his dick an hour later, or a couple seconds after?

The key phrase here is "Blow a guy and feel like a victim the next day" as though the fear and humiliation of being used by someone occurs only after the fact and not during it.

We need to change with the world, not react to it.

I'm confused, how do you hold one opinion about women throwing themselves as decent guys who get screwed, while then praising the episode's end where the exact same thing happens and the only difference is we the viewer have PERSONAL knowledge of him crossing boundaries?

It's ironic that you end with "It's not fair that girls think guys only want one thing" in a conversation about how often women are taken advantaged or coerced by men who later claim they aren't that kind of guy.

It's happened before.

She explained why she walked alone. Better question might be why would an entitled jerk like Bryce be allowed to get away with all his treatment from seemingly decent students?

It's interesting to contrast Hannah's harassment and reaction to teenage boys who go on shooting sprees. Isolation, bullying, and a hostile social climate can occur to any gender and yet when women face it they tend to focus it inward, while boys are driven to act out revenge fantasies through the medium of external

Same with Aurora Snow

Vulgar is what I'm getting most from it.

I disagree about it being a personality type.

"Experiment" music video