Romantic Placebo

The first film has a place in my heart as being disturbing because of the "Angels with dirty faces" parody Kevin watches, and all the family stuff feels secondary to that. On the other hand I always loved the 3rd film for it's remote control car with a camera chase and how the international thieves are so prepared

Strong opinions that she has been unable to defend when challenged by Trevor Noah

I feel your first observation is nullified by your second.

Lauren Southern I hope.

Waifu goals maybe?

I will never forget the Arrival-like elegance of "Amnesty" by Octavia Butler. The aliens integrate us into THEIR culture, and humans help because they realize they don't stand a chance.

Only Stephenson I've read is Snowcrash, and that was back in high school when I didn't know about things like When Gravity Fails.

No, just noting the similarities between Anathem and Anthem visually make it hard to distinguish.

Oh drat, I thought you said Anthem. Which IS by Ayn Rand…

The villain was the marginalizing world.

Dang, I've found almost no one who also likes that one of Rand's work.

Privilege is about the world though, not the individual.

Just the way he expects to get a job at Colleen's dojo after speaking mandarin with her once is evidence of that for me. The interesting thing is the show seems to think it's reasonable.

She could, but women grow up learning that they'll immediately be met with skepticism, so unless they are particularly unhinged the backlash of accusing a person of assault is so well-documented and present in their minds that it's not going to happen. That doesn't mean it can't, just means your paranoia is unfounded.

James Deen was also cast in a similar role by Bret Easton Ellis.

Funny thing, the claims aren't "unsupported" since testimony of the event counts as support, as does the denial.

No, actually "any woman can accuse a man of sexual abuse" is completely ridiculous and self evidence from how many get away with it out of fear of being called liars.

Innocent until proven guilty is not a legal term.

For me it was seeing him in A Perfect Getaway and Go. He mixes his perfect appearances and hair with odd dialogue and reactions but in an endearing way.

I kept wondering if it was Rosamund Pike.