Romantic Placebo

Wow. I'm speechless

Yes! It's the way his relationship with his stepfather was both fleshed out and evolved thanks to Joel being the one who killed him.

The Good Guys is with Colin Hanks is also great.

I'm sorry you can't accept that you're wrong without me proving it with links and more. I'd wish you luck getting over your peter pan complex.…

His speaking engagement was just cancelled at my college so I think SOMEONE with more fortitude than you decided they had merit. Have a nice life!

Oh yeah, I found his website a while before GG and he's provided as comprehensive map of misogyny as we're likely to find.

Aw, poor Kate Mara

I'd like to read that. Only it's not so much hatred as dismissal or inability to treat them how they want to be treated as humans.

Milo communicated with a troll who egged on a couple men to try and bomb a building and wound up dead.

Oh man, I just realized I don't even have to argue with you anymore. All my suspicions were confirmed. Have a nice day!

Man, but Tucker Max seriously wised up to his insecurity and started to give money to women's centers (It was returned) and it all hinted at him actually seeing why he was wrong.
Milo can't see what he said was wrong due to his horribly warped conservative idea of abuse.

No. I asked you a question. Calling these "accusations" is disingenuous to discourse when everyone but you knows what he's done.

If you still find yourself agreeing with a religious nut who thinks 14 year olds can consent to sex and defends priests having sex with kids you really have shown your true colors.

It's galling how you people have entirely changed the meaning of the word "violence" to physical.

Well and truly, go fuck yourself.

Ask yourself: what will you do when they are provided?
If you can honestly say you'll change your perspective and see him as a danger, or if you'll just hem and haw again.

He was instrumental in fucking Gamergate, where free speech ruined women and trans people's lives. Tell me against nothing can be done by not giving this bastard a platform.

You can't win an argument against someone who doesn't care.

Because he sticks up for straight white men who feel an urge to fight against progress while still feeling they're liberals because they aren't personally racist or sexist.