
Qestion I’ve been thinking about this week. Even though I could online shop for clothing (that I want but don’t need), should I? If I online shop for non-essentials, people will have to work to get that to me. So better for the economy, but those people could get exposed in the process.

I remember Christopher Pike books being sexier than RL Stine. I remember being a kid in the car reading a Christopher Pike book for first time after reading a ton of Fear Street books. There was a scene where the girl takes her top off and makes out with her boyfriend. It must have been the first time I’d read

Reading this article immediately made me think of this podcast episode about Brian Williams.

Putting this out there. I tried to use bagbnb when I was in Berlin in September. I reserved a spot but when we got there, it turns out they were no longer storing bags via bagbnb, but were still listed. Luckily, it was right next door to an office for a hostel and the guy working was happy to hold our bags. Cute

I was once the worst person on the bus. I’m from the US, but spent my first year of college in Canada. When some US friends were visiting, we had a wild night out and after we got onto the bus, I very loudly led the entire bus in singing the American national anthem. Everyone clapped when I was done. 

I definitely kept it! 

My ex boyfriend gave me a yogo mat and got us a joint gym membership to a gym near his apartment for my birthday. I was completely dumbfounded. Especially because I was expected to pay for half of the gym membership going forward. I had never done yoga before and wasn’t really interested. While I had made a couple

I died a little bit!!!! I laughed so hard for so long!

I live in Minnesota, but a couple weeks ago my friend and I drove through rural Wisconsin and saw SO MANY Scott Walker signs. I woke up with a text from her this morning letting me know he was out! :) Very pleased.

Automatic flushing toilets scared me so bad. I think I just like didn’t understand? There was a Perkins we went to often that had those blue toilet cleaner things so the water was always blue and the toilets automatically flushed. I wanted to die! But I think I was also too embarrassed to tell my mom that I was afraid

I accidently hosted like a classic teen movie party when I was in high school. My best friend was a year older than me and about to move away to college. We decided we wanted to have a farewell party for her at my house while my mom is out of town. We invited maybe like 20 people. I lived out in the country so I even

yes yes yes! So scary! My sisters and I became obsessed with seances after that movie. Nothing scary ever happened though.

I briefly dated this 26 year old when I was 19 and he wouldn’t go down on me. I had very little sexual experience before him so it took some time for me to notice, but I realized one day that he had no idea where the clit was. He thought it was inside of the vagina. So like I’m sure his past experiences of going down

My mom got remarried in October and being 30 and single, I was just like, fuck it, and brought two good friends (who actually wanted to come and had a great time!). My mom is super laid back so it wasn’t a problem. But I feel like this is a preview for my future as the weird-single-aunt.

I don’t understand. Does the birth certificate not have an official seal on it? I know each state can be different on how it does things, but I was able to get a new birth certificate with the official seal same day in Minnesota. They just printed it and stamped it, making it an official sealed original.

How do you feel when grown men say “titty”? j/w. Both seem gross to me for a grown man to say. But like I also don’t want to hear them say “breasts.”

I’ve recently worn some cute cleavage dresses for pretty much the first time in my life at age 30. So like of course.

I am not people-pleasing and this definitely throws people off sometimes at work. A while ago a newly transferred co-worker (we are both team leads) had a concern with this one area where our teams intersected, and instead of bringing it to me as a problem we could solve or whatever, he brought it to me like “you need

I am not people-pleasing and this definitely throws people off sometimes at work. A while ago a newly transferred co-worker (we are both team leads) had a concern with this one area where our teams intersected, and instead of bringing it to me as a problem we could solve or whatever, he brought it to me like “you need

I can’t believe neither of you mentioned the vampire baseball!!!