
Yeah, unlike the rest of the world where no child is raped ever.

I guess you're new to the MAN2MAN Alliance, aka FIDELITY & FROT, I think it's also called warrior sex or some such, and any kind of penetrative sex is frowned upon because it's "feminizing" and therefore beneath MAN. Google it, it's hilarious. This douchebro would fit right in.

This. I have five younger siblings I'd give my life for, but if they were child abusers? I wouldn't hesitate to throw them under a bus.

Good thing this wasn't released before he died, or the commemorative CDs wouldn't have seen any money from us feminazis. Is it too late to dig him up and shrink his peen?

Fuck you, it's not their right "to choose" what happens to the bodies of women that are not them, and we can't simultaneously support women's choice over their OWN bodies and corporations' "choice" over bodies that AREN'T THEIRS TO CHOOSE FOR, that's nonsensical, you sick, ignorant fuck.

You should hand them any money at all, ever, just send them the note and fool them into thinking you made "abortion afghans" with their products.

As an atheist into various crafts, I find the rabid religionist tone of many American craft-related business, publications, message boards etc. frankly disturbing. Over ten years ago an American gave me a magazine that was called "White Crochet", it was very god this god that, all of the people in it were actually

They still can't get past comparing everything they do to another company's thing? I don't trust Apple with my personal info, true, but if possible, I trust Samsung even less. Tantrum throwing bad loser with a petty grudge, with 'features' I'm not sure what are for, over a device that so far has worked just fine for

Seconded. Or know your limit. Drinking until you can't stand and slur words isn't a good idea. If a headache sets in after just one or two units, your body just isn't wired to process alcohol.

For migraines, ibuprofen isn't a longterm solution, try triptans.

I felt bad about that as a first thought. She didn't look like that before surgery, must be something in the silicone.

To give us the opportunity to play plucky internet detectives ourselves.

"many of you are teachers and need to correct bad behavior early on. "

No. Wolf is a Salon feminist, as are several contributors of Jezebel, tbf.

It won't be that bad, surely cutting skin flaps of all the babies' genitals will save us! (And big pharma!) :D

She's like, a huge OCD fountain of racist fucking diarrhea! Excuse my language. Yeah?

How does it screw us? It's a free market, if you feel Samsung is going to tantrum screw its customers right back in toddlerific rage, why choose to buy anything from them? It is plain that they acted in bad faith, let them screw themselves.

I was also wondering if we'd seen a different movie or if I didn't remember it right. It wasn't as good as expected, and the ending was pretty stupid, but I've seen a lot worse flicks this year.

But according to recent research chemo is safe during pregnancy. Those doctors are cowards and quacks, and their government murderers.