
Exactly. This is just another bid to get people to dump something relatively unprocessed and get them hooked on shit ultra like diet coke.

Nah. Eggs >>>>>>>>>>> all the processed corn syrup crap.

That's why I'm going to watch this as a sort of AU fanvid based on The Hunger Games.

No one said 'no boys allowed', we're asking you to stop derailing. No one here's a big fan of military attacks on civilians, but neither are we fans of douchebros like you who come here every single fucking time with their "WHO GIVES A SINGLE FUCK ABOUT WOMEN??? LOOK AT THE BIGGER PICTURE!" lines. Stop derailing or go

I was just thinking that this women only workplace sounds like a set-up for faux lesbian porn, thanks for enabling. I wonder when the wild accusations from the patriarchy start flying. "We don't know what they're doing in there, there is no male control, they could be doing anything! [Insert wild scenarios only the

Since the public, and patients, often have the idea that only the best and the brightest can become MDs, the "oops, didn't know how file info/the internet/google works, ain't I frazzle-minded and cute?" excuse doesn't fly here.

I've seen grown people on Jezebel commenting about carrying a baby in your "stomach", so I can see where your friend comes from.

I've seen several cases of men doing it to young boys, often in a coach/youth leader capacity.

How does sugaring work?

That was actually just to humiliate them (see Goffman) and convince them birth always needs medical intervention, no exeptions. Ditto for enemas. Never mind that evidence based medicine proves that episiotomies always make things worse.

You should be fine. Just remember that tampons and Florida don't mix.

Don't send people to the kinkmemes as an initiation! If they find the SPN kinkmeme they'll have a burn-it-with-fire reaction.

Relax. You can all marry him on the Astral Plane, it's what Snape fans did.

It's Florida. I can't be the only one who's surprised the cop didn't eat the tampon.

I could get used to it. Since I've been composting most of the kitchen waste, my garden's been really well, and I know their are people who feed their plants the blood from their Diva cup.

Only on the second day of my period, when mind & body are at their weakest. And just one can. I will break the habit after menopause.

Isn't there evidence that diet coke actually makes people fatter?

It's disgusting. Diet soda gives me this kind of weird artificial hunger feeling, and I've stopped drinking soda entirely. Not just because I want to stop bitching people out when I ask for a soda and they bring me the diet version, but that's part of it. Mainly to preserve my bones and teeth into ripe old age I

What about residential "schools" (concentration/death camps for kids)? Those were mainly religious in nature, and none of the priests/nuns there were POC.

Yeah, let us draw comparisons about how carrying children around is as much to blame for this tragedy as carrying automatic fire arms around, let's! JFC.