I owned a Dalmatian for years. Great dog. Wonderful dog. Loved that dog to pieces. Still miss that dog.
Yeah, that was “holy shit fuck no” territory. Got no issue with people’s private kinks (shit, I domme a guy who is into this soooo) but that is fucking disgusting and I would have a hard time not resorting to fisticuffs if some jackass stranger or coworker “nipped” my shirt. Boundaries, learn them.
Is there where I get to complain about how *after* I quit my job at Bank of America, I found out I was blocked from a promotion because, despite my boss, his boss, and several peers recommending me enthusiastically, the boss above them had an uncomfortable boner for me and said my attire was inappropriate?
So, I’m not one to rag on someone’s kink or anything but that photo will haunt my nightmares forever.
I wear dresses, leggings, and flats because they are easier to put on. A couple of months ago my coworker asked if I constantly wore dresses as a “religious thing” which I found odd because the dresses I wear aren’t very conservative. Her eyebrows reached a new level when I explained that I do it because it is…
I am 27 and have basically given up on heels cuz fuckkkk that noise.
“You need to dress properly - it’s about respect!”
I work on the same floor as the President of the company so I tend to dress up a bit more because she’s always walking about and there are always guests and big meetings. But honestly I kind of like having “work clothes” and “fun clothes” - putting on a more professional outfit and heels helps me feel more capable and…
So sweet. I wish I had some talent that could be called upon to cheer people in dire circumstances. That must feel so great to be able to share something like that. But also, HOW DID FLORENCE NOT LOSE IT? I'm weeping.
God, I cried just reading the article, before I got to the video. Poor girl. Good on Florence Welch.
Yaaasssssssssss Queen!
They’re not dumb, they’re beyond arrogant, self-entitled brats who have no respect for anyone.
The first clue, to anyone with half a brain, would have been the school saying “NO” to the dumb ass t-shirt.
Let us not make light of mentally ill behavior, but for the love of god let’s do celebrate that “Formation” is meant to be shouted at high volumes.
Yep. My father didn’t have a television until he was 13, his family didn’t have a private line until he was 12 (party lines before that) and now he watches movies on an iPad and makes calls on a smartphone.
Wow, to have your life span 3 centuries...it’ll be another 84 years before someone else can make that claim. Whole generations will have passed by then.
ABC is dead to me for canceling the Muppets.
It’s like a teenager thinking they won’t get pregnant or an STD from unprotected sex - when you’re young, you think you’re invincible. Similarly, when you’re rich/part of a privileged group, threats of disease just aren’t real to you because you have no lived experience with it. Ask a poor person if they’re going to…
Cool story and he seemed legit and fun. Good on him and good on the Blues for connecting with him in the heat of the moment rather than waiting like until next year. Also I love that he got a players jersey and not a custom one.