
In the winter, I always go out in hat, gloves, big jacket, and warm boots because it’s freezing walking around in the NYC. You would be shocked at all of the catty comments from women that I get because I’m dressing warm (appropriate) over sexy, barely there clothes. I don’t get the pressure to always be wearing short

If his parents are anything like mine, he may not have much of a choice. My parents insisted on paying for my grad school. I wanted to pay for everything myself so that they couldn’t hold it over my head that they paid for it. However, thanks to the loan process, I needed to include my parent’s financial records as

We live in different states now. I do have a picture of me farting in her face when at her farewell party. I’m ever the lady.

Her “Chinese messages” were her party trick. She always got away with it as no one suspected the innocent girl with dimples to have such horrible farts. She’s my idol.

I had a girlfriend that we called the “chinese messanger” because of her love of Chinese food and ability to fart on cue afterwards. Once, she farted a horrible fart on an escalator as we were leaving the T in Boston. As people moved through the lingering smell, we heard gasps, gagging, and cries of desperation. We

I go to Cowboys Stadium every year to watch the Giants play. The fans are horrible. I’m a petite woman, and it’s not unusual to have a group of guys get in my face and scream and sometimes push me because I’m wearing a Giants shirt. Southern hospitality does not exist in that stadium.

There are plenty of other reasons that people call me super creep ;)

That is a wonderful idea that I will start using. Thanks!

Your #4 is the best thing that you can do for an individual that lost someone. People need long term support to deal with death. My best friend is coming up on the 3rd anniversary of her husband’s sudden passing, and looking back over the years, I’m saddened by how people wrote off her grieving almost immediately

I have a feeling that we went to the same college... and sadly, I was one of the bitches that banged some Sigma Chi’s. I judge myself for doing it. 18 year old me did stupid things (and people).

You have another member of that club. Lost my virginity to a Sigma Chi too. Ahhh, memories :)

Such a sweet story. Right before my grandfather died, he lost the ability to identify family members or know where he was. However, he could quote the Yankees box score from a week prior and loved to tell stories about watching the Bombers with his brother as a kid. There was something about the Yankees of that era

It was my first thought too. I’m highly allergic to cats and all I could think about when I read the story is “this is my definition of hell”. Cute story, but I would probably end up being the buzz kill at the school when I would ask for it to be removed because the cute kitty would send me into a severe asthma attack.

He was 84?!!?!?! Dang. He didn’t look it.

I’m still working on it, 12 years later. I’ve gotten better at trusting people, but I still have certain triggers that set me off even on my guy of five years. It’s a long road that’s made easier by people that truly care about you and won't give up on you even when your actions make no sense to them.

I concur. I was at a consulting company at the time, and if you couldn’t commit your entire life to work (which you can’t when you have a baby), you were out. I left when the COO told me that I had to leave my boyfriend of many years or else he wouldn’t promote me. Having a personal life was a “distraction” from

I worked at a company once where women were (unofficially) told that their careers would basically be over if they got pregnant. There was not one woman that had kids in the first 12 years of the company’s history. I don’t understand how companies with these unofficial policies manage to operate without a massive

That stat made me do a double take too. 20 mins?!?!?! I can barely last two minutes. By the 20 mins mark, it would go from sensual to feeling like you're trying to rub off my clit.

I created an account just to star this comment. No one reacts to grief the same. When my best friend’s husband died tragically at the age of 30, I told her the most inappropriate death jokes for weeks. Why? Because it made her laugh when she needed it most. 99% of the population would have been offended, but I knew