
this is a list of movies not star trek movies.

as dumb as it was it's watchable and this just sounds ridiculously nerdy even mentioning it

worst movie I've ever seen

who owns the game? would they be willing to sell to another developer?

it's a fun well paced movie.

This movie is legendary. JCVD was killing it here.

Only "A" sith deals in absolutes. And It's not that bad a line cos it's not cringe worthy.

he wrote Watchmen too

I like this one from aicn Star Wars: Episode VII - The uninvolvement of George Lucas

probably not, but the strength of the website lies in the talkbacks. Still the best place where people tell the truth about movies. You can find many a Hollywood player arguing with people there who give them shit for being shitty writers or directors.

I do not see a problem with this. Either sexually or just in general. For one the barrel scene was the best Jedi sequence ever shot. Give Legolas a lightsaber in that scene and it is heaven.

Star Wars: Episode VII: The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies

Star Wars: Episode VII: Rambo: First Blood Part II: The secret of the ooze

Star Wars: Episode VII - Thanks for Everything, Julie Newmar

looks cheap as fuck. Gotham Central. That's the TV show I wanted.

how is the essence maintained? They looked at it superficially and not at why its such a huge death. Harry becomes the goblin, meets spidey, fight spidey, 5 mins later Gwen is dead. In the comics, Spidey and Norman had history, he crossed that line and Spidey almost killed him for it. Here we don't even see any

he had a lot of practice since he seemed to be crying the entire movie

that's a lot of work for a shitty movie

the maw cluster is an interesting concept

you can't just become a sith lord, you have to be trained by one to reach that level. It's almost like another plane of existence. Nerding here, and this is Lucas canon.