this is girls though, guys always liked big butts, it's what we are attracted to. little butts are what women think guys are attracted to. finally caught up
I'm talking through the eyes of aint it cool. Acting performance. not total transformation. the competition between the most subtle real actor as it was known back then. and seriously. Aragorn not mean anything? Viggo ain't nothing like that in real life. there is that tier of "super" actor like Day Lewis, Bale and…
At least Ejiofer is recognized now. He is one of the best actors in the world. Up there with Daniel Day Lewis, Christian Bale and Viggo Mortenson. Has been for years.
umm everyone knows this is specifically to be considered for awards season
was she a woman without anything else in life? no goals or hobbies? those types usually seem pointless and uninteresting
why would that be a guilty pleasure? that's a great album. the more "rock" songs on that album could have been big singles if they were on a major label. Ever and a Day is a masterpiece.
This sounds like a narcissistic mindset. I'm sure you'd lose your crap at a guy saying he wouldn't want to date no big girl because guess what, most people see that as worse.
yes because all short men, every single one has an attitude.
to be fair, AFI were a harder band before the major label release. Shows how old I am and how young these girls are that AFI is whiney music.
seasons 3-9 or 10
Ocarina of Time > you
It's in reference to the party's infamous "Stop the Boats" campaign against asylum seekers which tapped into xenophobic white Australia who live outside the cities of Melbourne and Sydney.
Yes Sunbather! Post Rock Black Metal!
No. Die Hard was originally developed as a sequel to Commando.
you must be a sad human to think of Pacific Rim as one of the worst movies ever made. watch more movies son. Here are worse movies. Epic Movie, 300, The transformers movies, Shawn Levy movies, just about every Kate Hudson movie, Man of Steel.
I think you're missing some important things. Austerity doesn't work. These cuts aren't for the good of the country, they are smokescreens used to benefit a few of the 1%. The NHS is being gutted and individuals linked to tory politicians are the ones who will benefit as they have stakes in private insurers. Same goes…