
That Friskies thing is not even the first cat soup on the market. The other (another?) is a “broth” but I don’t remember who makes it. 

Love that Midweek Madness is back, and that Brad and Jen are pregnant with their 114th child.  Mazel you two. 

No, I’ve asked everyone else and we all like them both. Turns out both are objectively good shows.

I love both shows. I figure someone who hates musicals wouldn’t like CXG and someone who hates animation would hate Bojack. But these are both amazing shows for those of us with mental health issues. Which is like, all of America. 

Does he know things?  Let’s find out.

I demand a big budget Threat Level: Midnight.

Now playing

this became less funny after watching Going Clear.

My favorite part of this story? The fact they quoted “a disgraced Ronald McDonald actor who was convicted of making harassing phone calls while posing as the clown."

Please don’t. McDonalds does not handle Rick and Morty related ideas in the best way.

The Obamas are my Royal Family. I stan them forever and ever.

Also, nobody on earth casts the side eye like Michelle Obama.

I love that picture.  The Obama’s more so than almost any other public couple seemed to have a real and generally happy marriage. I loved that they seemed to show genuine affection for each other while acknowledging that marriage takes work and that they don’t always agree on everything.

Not for nothing, but this is probably my favourite Barack/Michelle photograph. It was taken during their final state dinner, and I would pay good money to know what Barack said approximately five seconds before this picture was taken, because he looks pleased as hell with himself for having said it, but Michelle

I thought it was a “As up-and-comers, we couldn’t make our businesses work in the other location” thing? I sort of always assumed that. Although, you *think* you’d want to see your other kid and the dad that you were madly in love with pretty much the second you were established as a top designer. 

The Holiday is the movie that made me decide I liked Cameron Diaz after all, and Something’s Gotta Give is one of my favorite movies of all time. Nancy Meyers is delightful.

Natasha Richardson’s performance in the Meyers version alone elevates it above the original.

I’m not liking how carrying naloxone is being reported like it’s a bad thing. If you or your friends are at risk of overdosing (or just at all likely to be using heroin/opiates), then carrying naloxone and knowing how to use it is a great idea. I sometimes work at a clinic that provides drug users with free