I like the style of the game but I’m not a big multiplayer person.
I like the style of the game but I’m not a big multiplayer person.
This game is pure pandering, and you are brain washed if you cant see it.
This is what you get when you appeal to SJWs.
I read it and didn't like it. So I made a bitchy post.
You are a gentleman and a scholar.
When other sites are absolutely gushing about this game calling it a masterpiece and it’s perfect core loop. This site of course has to criticize what? Being too ambitious and too conservative. How is that even possible? At least it didn't get all political. I should probably just stop using this site.
Why would I do that? Shame on you
Not much else going on atm.
Is this a joke review? Can we get a review from a grown up like Jason ? Oh wait he'll make it all about crunch.
justice is cool as fuck, SJWs though, a big bunch of internet do-nothin’s.
Do you think spring breakers get to vote in a State’s election because they happen to be there?
This is a very bad take.
It’s mindboggling to me that anyone’s response to this moment would be to recreate the conditions that led us here, which is what Biden is literally campaigning on. He’s been on the wrong side of almost every single issue of the modern era, and displays nothing but contempt for the problems of oppressed and working…
Or, maybe, you could not assume your personal experience is evidence and look at data. “Bernie Bros” are and have been a myth. His supporters aren’t any worse than anyone else’s. But I suppose you have to have something to complain about.
There is “abuse” from every candidate’s supporters. The media chooses to focus on Bernie because he is a threat to the pearl clutching liberals. Biden will lose if he doesn’t appeal to Sanders’ base. That is just a fact, especially in the context of coronavirus. There will be an entire class of unemployed people who…
Why should I care about crunch. I wear clothing made by basically slave labor. I encourage the game industry employees to fight for their rights. However it is their fight not mine.
Anyone else enjoying the this time without Jason?
I have played games my whole life. I am 40ish. I’ve never had the feeling that I am owed anything by game creators. They make a game I pay to play. Thats it. I also dont expect the game to be mine for life but thats another subject.
It is her right but she was working. Behave professionally. Block the pig.
But neither is acceptable. Getting men to respect women isnt going to happen by flipping things around. Also she was basically working, behave professionally.