
Asymmetrical shooter” really makes me wish Evolve had done better...

Trying to pretend like misogyny is a jock vs. nerd problem isn’t helpful. Misogyny (and racism and homophobia and...) run just as deep in most nerdy cultural enclaves as they do just about anywhere else. The lack of women on the m:tg pro scene isn't just because of this one creepy douchebag.

Still white though, so who gives a fuck. Wake me up when there’s more PoC representation in MTG.

that doesn’t make any sense.

MPL needs a new photographer...that headshot is not doing him/her any favors with the head positioning and angle of the photo.

As a non rapey guy, yeah I would find it scary to be falsely accused of something. It’s the world we live in though. Best advice I could give someone is if someone is giving you flirty vibes and you don’t like it, make it known right away that you’re not interested. In a lot of these stories, the victim usually waits

Considering one of the accused is a woman, you may want to change your rant. 

I don’t feel like this is the best article to express this specific concern, since one of the alleged predator is actually a woman.

Or did Overwatch just lose 40% of its population to Battle Royale games? D:

thats why i leave as soon as i see they don’t care or don’t want to help their tank. so i don’t have to be dragged for 10-15 minutes! so some-other unlucky soul can be paired up with them in 10-30 secs.

the matches i leave are coin flippers, horrible sniper only no counter insta lockers with no desire to work as a team. i know because i tanked for 800+ hours on all tanks and ive seen this attitude on almost every match from at least one of the teams.

yeah i had a similar situation the other day where i was in a 2v2 with a teammate and he got knocked and lost my shield and had half health during the first exchange of fire so i stepped back to heal before trying to shoot again because if i died, we’d be out of the match and the guy berated me for not rushing to

Its a comfort zone thing, people are only toxic from a platform of assumed superiority so in its early days Apex was totally non-toxic, but as the game establishes itself people start to think that X, Y or Z is wrong and go back to their roots as assholes.

it dosen’t matter how much endorsements you get, you lose a lvl if you leave about 5 times or so at any point. tanking for ppl who refuse to use shields becomes insulting past a point. and that’s 90% of qp.

They all moved to Apex.

I stopped playing. Between the toxic players and the inability to level up in competitive mode, I got bored. Uninstalled.

I fail to understand how some people would want some meaninglesss endoresement. “Wow the border around your number got one extra spike.”. It’s really as meaningless as the gold or platinum border you have.

My guess is because its player base is down 40%. :p

Lower toxicity? Good.