People who are jerks should be able to be reported but I would also appreciate an option to leave feedback for people who are just bad teammates.
People who are jerks should be able to be reported but I would also appreciate an option to leave feedback for people who are just bad teammates.
QQ more Ethan.
Report functions largely do nothing, not having one is strange but I doubt that when they implement one it will influence our chances of getting toxic players particularly, same as any other online game sadly.
Prolly too much to ask of this blog, but if you’re going to report on this (report = repost/summarize and discuss a report), why not acknowledge the distinctness or complexity of anti-trans harassment by radical feminists (vs. by bog-standard trans-and-homophobic cis/hetero people)? You describe the incident, then…
Yet another “why is this even an article on Kotaku?” moment.
I don’t post notes like this in Soulsborne games, nor do I find them funny... however, getting tilted enough to make a 2 page dissertation on the matter is fucking ludicrous. Go outside. Lighten up. Do literally anything else with your life.
This topic isn’t supposed to be funny, but I laughed.
You’re going out with your ex and don’t want to be tempted into sex? Jack off first, right before you go out. Hell, if you’re at somebody’s house go pound off in their bathroom. If you jack off and you still want to fuck around with your ex...well then that’s love, brother.
You put your finger right on it.
To everyone saying that whether Looking Backwards cheated or not is arguable. No it isn’t. There’s a simple, easy to follow guideline. Would you do it to your parent? If you’d hug your dad, hugging another man isn’t cheating. If you’d kiss your mom on the cheek, kissing another woman on the cheek isn’t cheating.…
Seriously, the whole ‘monogamy is hard, don’t tell your girlfriend’ thing is really, really awful advice and I feel bad for everyone consuming it. Holy shit, it’s so bad.
Add me to the list of people considering this cheating.
#1 is an asshole. That’s all there is to it. He should tell his girlfriend what he’s done so she can drop his ass. “Monogamy is hard”. It’s really not. You just have to not fuck other people. It’s an amazingly simple thing.
Advising somebody no to tell their SO about what is arguably cheating (to me, what he did was definitely cheating) is not good advice. She has every right to know, especially since they are in a relationship which she thinks is monogamous. Otherwise, you are adding lying to the list of offenses.
Dear “Looking Backwards”,
Let me simplify this for you. You are a piece of shit.
Have a lovely day!
Also, what’s up with this dude’s enabler friends? They take him to some “hotel event” to hang out with his ex, then drive them back to some parking lot while they make out in the back, then just... leave them alone in the back seat? Hopefully it was because they went to go let the dude’s girlfriend know that her…
Yeah, I don’t really see how cheating and then hiding it is ever the “right” choice. Not only is it dishonest and ethically problematic... the truth comes out. Really don’t think those friends will ever let slip? Think again.
Yeah that’s sort of what I’m getting at. They like to lead with “a million couples met through this service” but then you have to remember there’s how many 10s of millions of profiles at least across the world.
Should you tell your girlfriend? Um… how about no? All telling any of this will do will hurt her, for no purpose.
This one does as well. More than that, it’s the intent more than the action. Client #1 is a POS and is fooling himself if he thinks otherwise.
Community discussion time y’all: this guy says he fingered his ex, but “stopped before anything actually happened”. Does fingering count as “something actually happening”?