
Not angry one bit.

I'm a huge fan of Samuel Smith's Organic Chocolate Stout.

Damm you, I got my hopes up then I saw your post.

That's very descriptive, you need to chill out with the tequila lol.

Haha, that episode was hilarious. Man, the simpsons was funny back then now it is hard to watch an entire episode.

How about a pineapple slicer cuter or whatever, or a sensor for when your wife walks into the room it automatically switched from pron to Gizmodo.

While reading this article, all I could think of was that level in Metal Gear Solid 4, with Vamp and that weird buoyancy pool I had to avoid.

Now do the same regarding leds, shit is getting ridiculous with some of these car companies.

At least he wasn't texting.

Otto for the win!!!

Lol, the real question is, people still pay for porn?

Ditto on the function buttons, its hard to quickly turn down the volume with one hand while browsing in incognito mode.

Cats will be cats!!!

Hey Kyle, what about that new hp envy ultra book? Was it not out by the time of this review or just didn't make the cut?

Welcome to Jalopnik.

Now playing

I was just playing this game before I read this post.

Dam, how embarrassed must he feel backing up and driving away slowly while everybody watches. Hopefully he wasn't injured.

I could see this individual wear light up LA Gear sneakers to a night home break in.

Haha, Car Crime: Figure out where this bolt came from to help slove a murder.