Welcome to Jalopnik.
Welcome to Jalopnik.
I was just playing this game before I read this post.
Dam, how embarrassed must he feel backing up and driving away slowly while everybody watches. Hopefully he wasn't injured.
I could see this individual wear light up LA Gear sneakers to a night home break in.
Haha, Car Crime: Figure out where this bolt came from to help slove a murder.
Haha, while receiving some oral stimulation.
Haha, you better call your buddies at Lifehacker and tell them to take down that "Learn How to Code post".
Well maybe everyone should stop complaining and take it like a boss, like this guy.
Child disappointment, Nice.
My only question is who is driving that Ferrari? Send this story to Jalopnik so they can investigate.
Is Nissan even trying anymore, jeez. How about a little more differentiation among your car classes.
Forget my phone bill what about my cable bill?
Lol I too shall pass that great piece of advice on to any future boys of mine.
One could only dream, sigh.
Per man law, one must defend his bro's honor if said bro fails to do so.
For men, one head turns off, while the other turns on.
Fucking classic!!
What a coincidence, I just watched Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol.
MS still has alot of work to do to shake off the the 6.5 impressions people have of WP7.