
Haha, how is this tech news? I'll let the steve jobs house demolition pass but I'm calling shenanigans on this one.

1. Great job to all those people that pitched in to get this statue.

Not a big fan of samsung phones but they def have a point here.

This redesign is equivalent to Acura's TL redesign.

Never thought i'd say this but this site is not fun anymore.

lol i'm surprised this article wasn't written by matt b.

This commercial was definitely the cutest one and its great to hear so positive additional background info about the young actor.

they civic-fied the lambo, wtf!!!!

I'm not surprised, I remember saving every penny (literally) for 3 months to buy that system and had it till the day I traded it in for a ps3. That system was a BEAST!!

I'm not even going to get pumped for this. I did for the desire hd and yea it was for tmobile but tmobile uk, what the frak.

someone had enough of acura dicking around by not having a new coupe out by now

@CJinSD: give me that or the s5 first any day

I love it when people from another country learning to speak english swear, like a few of my cab driving uncles. they come up with some of the craziest combination of swears you never heard before.

@Ozzie, The Last Hairbender: thats a good question. If I was looking to get a total loss on my car to get a new one, yes and in the process save a life.

Get rid of that ugly rs6 avant and bring back the sedan

@mjnbrn: how do i remove the cheap plastic haha

So basically none of this is google's fault. Its the carriers who are either being lazy or just want their ui experience over stock android. Google should really make some demands. Like making carriers give the option between a carrier ui or stock android. Also a mandatory update deadline. I huess in am ideal tech