@Ozzie, The Last Hairbender: thats a good question. If I was looking to get a total loss on my car to get a new one, yes and in the process save a life.
@Ozzie, The Last Hairbender: thats a good question. If I was looking to get a total loss on my car to get a new one, yes and in the process save a life.
Get rid of that ugly rs6 avant and bring back the sedan
@HeartBurnKid: Agent of R.O.A.C.H.: your absolutely right on this one also those guys tinkering away care a lot more than the big manufacturers.
@mjnbrn: how do i remove the cheap plastic haha
So basically none of this is google's fault. Its the carriers who are either being lazy or just want their ui experience over stock android. Google should really make some demands. Like making carriers give the option between a carrier ui or stock android. Also a mandatory update deadline. I huess in am ideal tech…
too bad it will have the touch wiz ui and cheap plastic feel most likely
ok good direction now tell acura to make an ubber sexy coupe without that ugly grille and rear and i'll be a happy customer.
@RickyMouse: i read your comment and thought nothing of it. until like 3 comments down i began to chuckle, nice one.
@StoicPersonEater: loading a new bar on top would push the remaining bits forward. though i would still make a trip to bath and body works cause it smells so good in there lol.
@Zanzan42: if that was the case, this story would be about a man who found a new way to commit suicide.
@Vidit: i just came across go launcher on lifehacker, whats so awesome about it compared to the others? I'm thinking of trying it out.
haha instead of caca-bum it would be cock...... wait never mind
@Platypus Man: I used to put a lot of effort into organizing my my shirts to remain a platypus man. After I met my now girlfriend and became onepus man, I don't even check for smells.
Anyone who tries to come up with a solution that leads to saving more lives I applaud. My only thing is in some parts of the country its gets freezing cold. What happens whne its below zero and the rungs get wet and freeze? Also in my town there are a few obese fireman haha. I say to Douglas, keep tweaking and stay…
@SennaMP4: after i chuckled at this pic, i looked around the room to see if anyone was watching me. This is a little wrong on a few levels. I want to add to it but i might get struck by lighting when i leave the building.
As a huge batman fan, I feel the batmobiles that resemble actual cars doesn't fit him. Take the '72 and '73 batmobiles for instance, those are regular muscle cars. Batman is just to badass for car like that. Don't get me wrong, I like those cars as cars but as a batmobile, negative.
what the hell gizmodo, you tell me to spend less on gadgets and more on experiences because they last longer but then show me incredible stuff like this. Your making the choice really hard.
@kschang: thanks for the info friend, i also just came across Go which is a launcher as well.
I was grossed out by the title then read and its actually not the worse thing. If the guy is showering still with luke warm to hot watter then he would still be cleansed to a degree. If my man is just doing this to save a buck or two then come on. Tip 50 cents less and you'll save more that way than not buying soap…
Whitson, can you put a break down of the the top launchers? I'm having a tough time deciding which one to go with and maybe there are others who feel the same way.