This article reminds me of a mod for Half-Life that came on a CD with a copy of PC gamer. I think it was PC gamer. Anyway, that mod was scary shit. Tried googling it and could not find it.
This article reminds me of a mod for Half-Life that came on a CD with a copy of PC gamer. I think it was PC gamer. Anyway, that mod was scary shit. Tried googling it and could not find it.
inFamous Second Son is another example, among all the people giving examples here. When you get the Neon powers, you can shoot them in the head to kill them or shoot their ankles to stun them.
As others said, the menus work fine. The only real complaint I have with the Switch version is that controlling a large number of units is more difficult in handheld. It's harder to see on such a small screen and it can get cluttered.
Meee too! I actually listened to a song of theirs recently.
They're really dropping the ball with this one, in my opinion. It used to be that if a game was also going to be on PC, I would get a game on PC. Now I wait to see if a game is on Switch and get it for the portability. Unless it is an FPS or shooter, then, PC.
I used to agree with you, but then played it on my friend's Switch and loved the portability. So I also bought it on Switch.
I think his point is, why would you want to play an FPS (or any shooter really) on console when you can play it on PC? A mouse and keyboard is by far superior. You can’t consistently hit heads with the same speed and accuracy with a controller.
I think I heard an interview of hers about this subject on NPR maybe? I was going to make a post about this, but I think this is the book. Her descriptions of them testing out shitting in parabolic flights was absolutely hilarious. Having 45 seconds or something to shit while on a descending plane with others around…
This doesn’t make any sense to me. Nobody is stupid enough to not have a sleeve to prevent scratching the screen when docking. Spending 20$ on a super pretty sleeve of your own design compared to the rare possibility of scratching your screen is a no brainer.
The Switch is amazing, got me back into console gaming with BotW being one of the best games I have EVER played. Never thought I’d use it portably as I’m a PC master race person, but I use it handheld 50% of the time. Despite having a gaming laptop for mobile gaming. RPGs are so good on it while grinding and watching…
There already is a class action lawsuit.
You are wrong.
Your opinion does not change the fact that this is a very real issue that has nothing to do with how well one takes care of their hardware.
Lying double poster!
I think Mike Fahey may want a lid for his soda beverages. Poor guy.
That is what is has come to. Right wing media has demonized liberals to such a degree that they consider us to be pure evil. I’m sure you’ve seen the shirt from a Trump rally that states “I’d rather be a Russian than a Democrat”. These are dark times.
I star this comment because I also think it’s also mega-amusing that the avatar of the original comment is a super grindy JRPG. I dumped probably 150 hours into P5. Maxed the shit out of it and well worth it. But at least CHRONICpeace has excellent taste. Makoto best girl.
The pic in the header is really disconcerting to me for some reason. I do not like it.
They specifically explained that you’re not going to be able to use these tools at all without some coding knowledge. Or else it’s going to require a great deal time spent studying coding. It is designed for “power users” and most people are not going to be able to use the tools.