I had a kitten that would try to meow her heart out, to no avail. She’d open her meowth and her entire body would start to tremble... then a tiny peep would come out. It was adorable.
I had a kitten that would try to meow her heart out, to no avail. She’d open her meowth and her entire body would start to tremble... then a tiny peep would come out. It was adorable.
Slut shaming is wrong and people should not be judged by how many partners they have had in the past. That being said, I cannot help but judge people for ‘slutty’ behavior. I hate that I am like this, but I suppose it is a product of growing up in this society. I would never say anything judgey, but I can’t help but…
Here’s a solution to reclining - EVERYONE RECLINE. If the person in front of you reclines, your reclining will move you back and fix the situation.
Here’s a solution to reclining - EVERYONE RECLINE. If the person in front of you reclines, your reclining will move you back and fix the situation.
Here’s a solution to reclining - EVERYONE RECLINE. If the person in front of you reclines, your reclining will move you back and fix the situation.
Here’s a solution to reclining - EVERYONE RECLINE. If the person in front of you reclines, your reclining will move you back and fix the situation.
Haha, well said.
Favorite color: Color of my own flesh
No, they do. Games must be built with VR in mind from the ground up, or they won’t work properly. I have a mod that allows me to play a lot of games with the DK2. However, since these games were not designed for VR in the first place, moving your head is meaningless. It is basically a screen attached to my head. I…
Just spend a few hours swapping wins with a friend until you reach 45 wins or whatever. It’s a grind, but so, so, so worth it!
I read ya, it can be frustrating. The best trick I ever found though, was to go into single player first. From there, you can pick GTA Online and choose a closed crew session, friends only or invite only. That’s what we do and the load times are 10 times faster for pretty much everything. Also, we don’t have to deal…
Terrible service? I won’t use Uber because of the awful things the CEO says and how Uber thinks you’re worthless garbage. Not to mention how badly they screw over their ‘employees’. But I have waited 15 minutes for Sidecar (I know, that isn’t Uber, but it’s basically the same) on two occasions.
Wrong! Taxis are much, much safer than Uber. Uber drivers aren’t given proper background checks, they don’t have any special training. They don’t have million dollar insurance policies to cover you in case of injury.
I bought Suikoden II and III, along with a memory stick. Did I own a Playstation 1 or 2? No. They were just such good games that I would play them any chance I got at a friend’s house.
I figured this out weeks ago. Ever notice how the stands are populated by balloons?
That’s not how I interpreted it. Since it was boiling, she could clearly see that it was too hot. My take is that they wanted to make her wait to eat, as it would take time to cool down.
Wow! The chorus had be burst out in a high pitched and uncontrollable laugh, startling my coworkers. This deserves so many more stars.
This deserves more stars.