
I just wanted to thank you for the Oculus Rift and Elite: Dangerous review. I got both of them after I read that article and have been floored by the experience. I foresee playing that game well into the future. I can't wait for Wings and Alliances!

Found On Roadside Dead

This gif is a god damn miracle of art.

If you read the entire interview from the Newsletter, he mentions that as time passed, they became more aware of how difficult it would be to get offline mode to work. He apologizes that they didn't communicate these difficulties with the community beforehand, in order to prepare them.

You only need about 10kbps downstream to play single player mode. It could easily be done with even Sprint 3G hotspot, or so they explained.

I have to disagree with you regarding the devs... I loved this game, I even bought a copy for a friend and paid his sub to get more of my friends to play it. But the devs ignore consistent problems and complaints regarding PvP, not to mention other serious issues.

I was in queue, waiting to get into Stormreaver. I finally made it in - just to find that a coup d'etat was being attempted to overthrow me before I even had a chance to take my place as guild leader.

It failed and we went on to create, as far as I know, the largest guild in WoW history(500 or so guild members). Ars

No worries! =) Sometimes 50" is a bit much and has its drawbacks(reading text) - definitely takes some getting used to.

My Father used Dragon Naturally Speaking in the past and it gets good reviews. I can't speak for it though, as I have not used it personally.

For certain keys or in certain situations, yes. I play on a 50" mounted on my wall and sit on a futon. Since I keep my keyboard balanced on my lap, it is prone to shifting as dictated by my cat. She sometimes either sits on keys, or pushes the keyboard around with her feet when I find just the right place to scratch

It's linked in the article. Voice attack. It's a must if you use Oculus Rift for Elite: Dangerous... can't see keyboard and limited buttons on joystick.

Sins of a Solar Empire(and sometimes Galactic Empire mod).

Honestly, despite the screens in the DK2, I would still much rather play with the OR. I can't imagine how much of a pain it must be to take your hand off the joystick and use the mouse to look around. Not to mention the advantage people with the OR have in combat... tracking fighters just by looking.

Lord Marksman and Vanadis

I call dodge rolls, barrel rolls - and no one can stop me.

Accel World takes place a number of years after SAO, but I forget how many exactly. I would suggest reading all the light novels, they tend to be better than anime and have less plot holes and more explanations. You have to buy the books now, as the fan translated books are no longer offered posted on Baka-Tsuki. I

It has made up for all the lack of end game content. It really has become an excellent MMO in the past year.

I'm an American and also find myself wondering the same thing...

Yessssss. Finally an opportunity to share/enjoy the finest of dick butt!