roll orange roll


What did Iowa ever do?

"You shouldn't do that to the kids."

After last season, we are all surprised there hasn't been more in-game pants pissing

Keep it up and those won't be head-hairs next time.

I'm sorry Albert, but that's what you deserve for ranking Piss Yellow as the best Sport Drink Flavor.

Ah, the drunk part and homophobic remark threw me off

I don't see why a Bama fan would be disgruntled with the BCS...

Yes, he gets dismissed as a game manager which is bullshit.

What a deservingly mean way to signal the end of the Schiano Era.

Tebow would be a bad fit for the Jags because he'd turn the ball over before they get a chance to punt it.

A true Schiano man leaves his teen at home alone while pretending to be on a trip only to call the cops and teach them a lesson after they start a party.

I can just see next weeks headline: "This week in Greg Schiano being a dick; Schiano handed out sugar packs to diabetic children telling them there's a surprise if they finish it all"


Wow, that almost looked like he was driving while drunk

"Silly peasants"

Kentucky/Duke and I'd move to another planet.

To be fair, while Smith played in Tampa, he put up the numbers of a lacrosse goalie.

Must-See TV: Dallas at Philadelphia

For a second there, I thought you meant he shat his pants, Sean.