Rollo Tomassi

Rather than reading that as "(Slicks back) hair," I read it as "(slicks) back hair."

I go back and forth on my feelings towards Fox. I'm not a big fan of the PRD generally, because they're a bit too conservative for me, but I'm glad someone finally broke PRI's stranglehold on power, so that's a good thing.

Most retired people watch the news all the time. And it's usually Fox News.

It's hard to map nineteenth century politicians onto a modern liberal vs conservative axis, but I'd say that Lincoln wasn't really much of a "states' rights" guy.

I read Dragonlance, and have absolutely no memory of it taking place in a Southern Hemisphere. Of course, it's been close to thirty years, so why would I remember a detail like that?

On a similar, but far more trivial note, I found myself wondering recently why no fantasy or sci-fi ever seems to be set in a world's southern hemisphere. I can't think of a single one where the south is colder than the north (unless it's due to elevation.)

I remember one high school class (this was the early 90's) that used ancient textbooks where I found "Led Zeppelin" written on one of the pages. I turned to my friend and said, "This could have been written in here since the book was brand new or it could have been written by the last person to use this book."

I'd like to, but I really need to stop dicking around on the internet for a while.

I was talking more in general than in this particular case.

Yeah, if it's about movies watching clips makes sense, of course. But I'd honestly rather read an article with embedded clips than watch something that's entirely video.

I don't understand why people would rather watch a video than read an article. I'd almost always rather not see a video. I almost never watch videos online.

Oh, I had no idea that Dik was related to Pussachu.

It must have dramatically increased his name recognition while at the same time being incredibly harmful to his career prospects.

I don't particularly hold it against the guy. It's not like anyone was tuning in because they knew Powers Boothe might show up.

Because the union was boycotting the ceremony. Nobody shows up, ratings are terrible and the studios come to the bargaining table. That's the idea anyway. I can see the argument that it's unfair to boycott the Emmys when they have nothing to do with it, but 52 out of 53 nominated actors felt didn't see it that way.

Yeah, my understanding is that once Haig decided Nixon had to go, the entire staff went all in on making sure it happened. They even went so far as keeping him away from his wife and daughters because they knew his family would try to talk him into fighting until the bitter end. I don't know if there's anyone in the

The name of this band really ought to be the Talking Heads.

I don't think I've ever met anyone who doesn't like the Talking Heads. I don't think I really want to.

Living the Wild, Wild, Life, huh?

"Everyone else has Pirates of the Caribbean cameos, and what do you get? A BOOK!"