Rollo Tomassi

Greatest Julius Streicher anecdote: After the Nazi collapse, Streicher went into hiding and disguised himself as a farmer. An American officer came to the farm to ask for directions somewhere. As he was leaving, he said, "You know, you look a lot like Julius Streicher." Streicher responded, "How did you know it was

I read a few Piers Anthony books when I was fifteen and his obsession with tits was really off putting even when I was a horny teenager. Is sleaziness just a thing shared by all guys named Piers?

Never thought of it this way. Maybe I won't unfriend the guy who told me that voting for Clinton means that "your (sic) ignorant."

"You've gone from the man people love to hate to the man they just hate. From Simon Cowell to Piers Morgan." -Steve Fleming, The Thick of It.

Your lack of upvotes is proof of that.

I doubt I'll ever watch this, but if BET wants to make a miniseries about New Edition, that's their prerogative.

White dog shit has a wonderfully funny specificity. I once watched a friend of mine destroy our pompous, overly analytical friend in front of about ten people by telling him that listening to him talk was like watching dog shit turn white and dry up and blow away. It was hilarious and cruel.

I'll still defend the Austin Powers movies up to a point, especially the first one, but he's picked a not particularly funny part of the least funny of the three movies.

The biggest Punisher fan I knew was a kid with some serious problems. He also had a bunch of bullshit stories about all the gang violence he'd supposedly witnessed before he moved to my town.

Among the greatest closing lines in any movie ever. The only ones I can think of of the top of my head that come close are, "Louis, this could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship," and "Let's go home, Debbie."

The randomness of his political statements kinda fits with Two-Face.

Y'know even when I was thirteen I thought the Punisher tended to be overly violent and simplistic and thought people who were into him tended to have feelings of inadequacy and were getting off on the fantasy of killing their enemies.

Shit, Steranko is a Trump supporter? I guess I shouldn't be too shocked about that. I mean, we're talking about an elderly white man here.

I've never understood this type of thinking. Do people think that if they're able to keep the gays out of popular entertainment their children might be able to go through their whole childhoods without ever encountering them in real life or the news or anywhere. I mean, what good does it do to keep them away from

Whatchoo talking about?

Yeah, Spicer sucks, but his persistent harping on Dippin' Dots is the only evidence I've seen that anyone in the Trump administration is an actual human being.

If you're having a good night, and they're feeling generous.

You want a replacement for Obamacare? I can get you a replacement for Obamacare by five o'clock this afternoon.

Duran Duran on repeat? So that would be Duran Duran Duran Duran.

Maybe he could eat Betsy DeVos, Tom Price, Andrew Puzder and Jeff Sessions. The world would then objectively be a better place then.