Rollo Tomassi

I like when he said that his (Italian-American) opponent looked like Saddam Hussein's sons.

"Where's General Ripper?"
"In the bathroom. Shitting his guts out."

Wait, Jenna Bush works for NBC too? Will this family ever stop falling up into success?

I'm sure this lawsuit will go through the system very quickly.

She drinks nothing but distilled water, or rainwater, or pure-grain alcohol.

We still have eleven days. I'm sure there's someone about to share a story to my Facebook feed about how there's some obscure constitutional provision that means Bernie can still be president.

Warren Harding won the largest popular vote victory in history? Maybe it *was* a bad idea to give them the vote.

And for years their other senator was Jim Bunning, a crazy person most notable for pitching a perfect game in 1964. They really ought to take this senate thing more seriously.

I got Nashville in the mail from Netflix and it sat on my shelf for weeks before I finally said, "I'm not going to watch this right now" and sent it back. Not only is it a big time commitment, but at that point in time, I was very much not in a Robert Altman frame of mind. Other movies I've never seen even though I

I'm not saying there's a guaranteed Democratic majority waiting in the future, but I am saying that the basis is there. Of course, even if we do reach a point where that happens, sooner or later that majority will fracture as different issues become important to the country. For example, if the Republicans can just

Hell, I don't even think I ever heard him say it. Even though it's a pretty good one that gets to her major area of weakness, he won't use it if he didn't come up with it.

People's voting habits actually don't generally change much as they get older. It's a myth that we tend to get more conservative as we age. Obviously, the way people vote can change as political winds shift, but most individuals tend to be pretty consistent in whether they identify as liberal or conservative. Anyway,

But whites are a much smaller chunk of the millennial vote than other age groups. Like I said, we shouldn't be complacent, but, demographically speaking, there's reason to be cautiously optimistic.

Yeah, there are younger conservatives, but over all, younger people are liberal and getting more liberal. That can always change, of course, but the trend among younger people right now is towards progressivism. Just because right-wingers are vocal on the internet doesn't mean they're in any way representative of

Well, a lot of today's Republican voters will be dead in 2020, and a lot of young people will be turning 18 between now and then. Their base is gradually eroding. We can't be let that fact make us complacent, but we need to remember it so we don't get discouraged.

Yeah, everyone talks like he dominated the blue-collar white vote,when in reality, while he did a little better with low-income whites than Republicans usually do, Clinton still won them pretty handily.

Let's hope it's Melania.

True. At least "Shillary," as stupid as it may be, actually counts as a play on words.

I gave a friend of mine a ride from my little town back to her apartment in a not-so-great part of Oakland today. On the way we were joking about how I was obviously going to get shot walking back to the car, because that's what Trump said happens in places like that. In case you were curious, I made it out of there

When I'm looking for something to watch on Netflix or Amazon or whatever, brevity is a major factor in my final decision. If I can find a quality movie that's an hour and a half or less, I'm pretty excited.