Rollo Tomassi

This is such a stupid argument. It presumes that Trump would have done all the same stuff with a different opponent. It also presumes that because Sanders polled better than Trump in April or whenever then that would have held through the entire campaign, even though the real election had massive polling fluctuations

I just don't like the texture. There's not necessarily anything wrong with frozen fries, I think. I work at a luxury hotel, and nearly everything there is all about local, high-quality ingredients, but we use frozen fries, and they're delicious.

I know they're freshly made and all, but In-N-Out fries kind of suck. The burgers are good, though. In fact they're the only fast food burgers I'll even eat.

Do Frosties still only come in chocolate? Because I'd like one in Vanilla, and it annoys me that that's impossible.

I didn't see that, but there was a little snack bar. I felt really weird buying Doritos and a Fanta at Auschwitz, but I'd had a long day and had to eat something.

That movie came out in 1993. The kid could be like twelve or thirteen and still realistically be watching stuff on VHS. I guess what I'm saying is, that while it's true that technology changes pretty fast these days, we are also very old. Or at least I am.

Well, serial numbers.

I once got into an argument with a coworker who insisted that it was unrealistic that everything looked newer in Episode 1 than in the originals. His big nitpick was that all the ships and robots and stuff were more rounded, and if it was longer ago than the original movies then things should have had more straight

At least let the puns happen Organacly.

So not much has changed there.

I hate the small silicon particles! They are rough and unpleasant and seeping to each crevice.

But Spidey, you've been around since 1962.

"Disposing of dead hookers? Hah! No problem!"

Hopefully he chooses someone who is competent in the face of a cat-astrophe.

I don't know if there were rules about whether anyone could touch her stuff, but it certainly seems likely. I actually didn't have much to do with her, but everyone who did ended up just loathing her. She sounds like she has serious issues.

"Our führer, Adolf Hitler, fighting to the last against Bolshevism, died on his way to his home planet."-Volkischer Beobachter, May 1, 1945

First thing in the morning and right after dinner?

Facebook racism is free and always will be.

Of all the celebrities that have stayed at the various hotels I've worked at, she's the only one that was a pain in the ass for people. Most every celebrity is pretty low-maintenance, presumably because they want to maintain a likable public persona, but she was an absolute nightmare for everyone. Nobody was even

It's true. I have enormous penises and breasts.