Rollo Tomassi

Doesn't any social or economic system ultimately rest on the threat of violence? Libertarians are always arguing that taxation is theft, and the state is ultimately using the threat of violence to force people to pay. I think that's a facile argument, but it's not really any less valid than the one you're making.

"God damn, that opening statement made my day."

Are you Dwayne Johnson?

I wouldn't say they *never* have noble motives. Maybe not all that often, but not never.

*Burns hand on pétanque boule. Smiles at the knowledge that I picked it up before it was cool.*

For twelve years, they didn't even mention it to each other.

Does James Can toss any dwarves? Because I'd pay to see that.

Bocci ball isn't obscure enough. Petanque or GTFO.

Can't respond. Binge-eating.

Twenty-four hours a day of netball.

When my grandma died, I just went nuts. Ended up with Showtime, The Movie Channel, even Starz. I just couldn't control myself.

I see a lot of upvotes in your future.

Not to mention they don't actually make any money directly off any particular show. They don't run ads, and as much as people might want to see this, I doubt anyone is going to get an HBO subscription just for this one thing.

I watched it on demand. I don't remember what category they had it under, but it took me a while to find it, and it was literally the very last thing listed. (Comcast On Demand has the shittiest interface. It's enough to sometimes make me decide to just find something on Netflix instead of bothering to scroll through

I just watched "Wishful Drinking" a few days ago and it's pretty damn funny. It might sound stupid, but I'm surprised at how down to earth Fisher managed to be in spite of growing up so rich and famous and being there for so many of the last few decades' major pop cultural touchstones. She knows that her life is not

You can certainly look at it that way, and of course that's their primary motivation, but you can also think of it as HBO paying tribute to them shortly after their passing.

Probably. Trump is probably going to appoint David Miscavige Surgeon General or something. You know, because he's already got an admiral's uniform.

"Hopefully the fucker who never does his sidework. You hear that, Josh? Start folding napkins and buffing glasses and we might actually report it when you go missing."

Maybe, but when you've got people like the president-elect encouraging hostility towards the media, it becomes much more difficult for journalists, and quite possibly much easier for them to lose a libel suit.

All that meat shouldn't go to waste, though.