Rollo Tomassi


He's going to slap a 35% tariff on all imports. Doesn't matter if it's something like cocoa beans that don't grow in the US. If they really wanted to, they'd grow here.

Disappointed that whoever subtitled screwed up the Malkmus lyrics that referenced "Westworld."

Shirts are the only brown thing this administration will be encouraging.

It belongs in a museum!

That swan way to avoid the situation.

They're going to re-edit the footage later so that Gosling punches first.

Yeah, but the Nazis didn't have a problem with the Finns or the Swiss, racially. But Ukrainians, as Slavs, were considered inferior.


Maybe in Jedi he was Rear Admiral Ackbar and now he's Fleet Admiral Ackbar.

The Nazis worked with Croats, Slovaks, Ukrainians, Bulgarians and Japanese, whereas the allies basically exploited black and brown people and granted them almost nothing in return, but which of the two sides was more dedicated to racism?

Maybe the bulk of the rebels based on Yavin IV happened to all come from a handful of planets where most of the population consisted of white(ish) humanoids. It'd be like if a major battle in a war just happened to have been fought primarily by a Vermont National Guard unit.

"Meesa gonna make college free for all da peoples!"

It may be the best song that I now hate.

Someone should take Trump's money and then use the concert to play a blatantly anti-Trump setlist. All protest songs. In between songs they can warn the crowd against falling for fascism and racism and whatnot but without actually saying that Trump is a dangerous authoritarian until the end, when their mic will

You mean we will when Trump is president.

That's what happens when you get divorced thirty-seven times. Even if you're the number one star in the world.

Bible? The bible is for losers. He'll be swearing in on a copy of "The Art of the Deal."

They have literally decades of music they could comb through for great music and they stick to the same twenty or thirty songs all the time. Maybe that says something damning about us as a culture.

While we're at it can we ban live performances of "Brown-Eyed Girl?"