Ethan Edman

You guys really hate on Acura too much. Jesus. Calm your tits. It’s a great car and they sell the crap out of them.

But but but AWD... It’s amusing how people think that because of that feature alone they are invincible and can flat foot corners or at least go way deeper into the brake zone than they should. That said, my STi was an understeering son of a gun and that is made quite apparent in this video.

The shape is the same. Everything else is different. They're not an enormous company, it only makes financial sense to use a proven platform to design another vehicle off of.

I can't help but say I told you so Jalops. Remember a few weeks ago when the Ford GT and the NSX were released and everybody spoke about how the NSX was now irrelevant. Right, it's all coming back.

Very true. Poor car never had a chance to be the car it really could.

That is only partially true. In Japan the first STi was produced in 1994 which was during the same time as the SVX.

This or a z06. If we're talking performance alone nobody would even consider this.


It looks awful. God, burn it with fire. The proportions, the hideous front grill, that ridiculous belt line. Just awful.

I couldn't get past the fact that the commercial had an uncanny resemblance to a men's razor commercial.

Oh god.. I can't unsee this and I wish I could. This reminds me of the SL2.

Smart Fourtwo. 8.825 feet long.

I am quite fond of this response, especially considering the rarity of such vehicles currently in the United States. Interestingly enough, I have seen many R32, 33 and 34's throughout my life but I cannot recall a single one of them being stock. Yours kept in pristine condition will be a breath of fresh air, even if

I am intrigued. I know you are through and through an automotive enthusiast but I am not sure on your stand with modifications (clearly other than R34 wheels). Will the car stay stock once in your possession?

I can't wait until this car destroys the GT around the track to shut everybody the hell up. Jalopnik and a good portion of its posters are unnecessarily cynical when talking about Acura. Yes, they have made some mistakes but this is a beautiful car and could be an absolute monster in terms of performance. I find

All of these insanely negative comments on top of a contextually negative article. The car is absolutely gorgeous and if it performs as well as they say it will then it will be the bargain of the decade. You guys crack me up. There is literally nothing to dislike about this car.

I got M5. I'm clearly a pompous ass hole. I love life.

And what happens if you eat it?

If this were coming to the states I would sell both of my vehicles to have this one. The US always gets the short end of the stick.

Mother nature is wildly impressive. Such a cool creature.