
I kinda feel like doing a pre-existing recipe should get you disqualified (and no, I have no clue as to how you could enforce this), as it gives you an unfair advantage over someone doing something brand-new & created on the fly. If you’ve prepared that dish before, you’ve already had a chance to tweak it, edit it,

“It literally requires a plethora of people in production to hold a secret from the public”
Actually I don’t think so, only the top 2-3 decision makers have to know that they’re favoring someone or not. Format changes happen on the fly all the time (for example, in the past when they’ve not lost enough players due to

YES on the no idols/advantages, but I’d like to see even more cast-f*ckery, such as leaving clues & treasure maps that eventually lead to... nothing. Or, after much wild-goose-chasing, have the “dig-over-there” hints lead to high-production-value fancy necklaces that are explicitly NOT idols

“S.H.I.E.L.D. seems to be referring to this initial arc as “Ragtag,””

Blais’ continual must-redeem-myself narrative came across like he felt Stephanie Izard didn’t “win” or deserve to win, but rather that the great-&-wonderful-Blais gifted it to her by default

Frank Pembleton, back in the box!

Dang, this show’s little beautiful moments of grace (or joy, or melancholy) really sneak up on me and smack me around with all the feels. I used to think the it was “in spite of Sam & the kids often acting shitty”, but I’m coming around to it being “due to Sam & the kids being human”. Love this show!

Shrub Wrangler

Meat. Loaf.

I found the rest of the show illuminating and interesting, but what’s left behind (sadly, I must admit) in my porous addled brain are the performances by Mr. Loaf.

Writing this before reading the review or the comments, so my apologies if this has been covered above...

Maybe it’s striking too close to our current political & social climate of lies-replacing-truth, but after the bar scene where Josh’s friends swallowed Rebecca’s slander I had to turn off the tv. It’s got to be

“like a banana!”

I do like the show in general, but it’s far too on-the-nose far too often.
A) Lucifer is having issues with ***;
B) case-of-the-week happens to have something to do with ***;
C) Lucifer wildly mis-reads the evidence & flings about accusations, based solely on his issues with ***;
D) plot twists to a place that ISN’T

Joe’s got the right general idea (be aggressive & make moves, sow chaos) but he needs to be more selective in when and how he does so. Plus yes, he’s a condescending, self-aggrandizing, poor-winner jackass. Which makes it make sense - he doesn’t seem to actually think through the consequences of his actions, & is

wow - that’s uncanny

I was lucky enough to attend in Chicago. I’m not sure how the experience will translate onto the screen (I’m sure it’ll be fine), but in person this performance absolutely wrung me out, in a good way. Like make-up sex after a drag-out fight, the sympathetic wrenching of pathos added contrasting/amplifying salt and

“who inadvertently reveals why Jimmy may have left her”
I thought the point of this story was that while being some kind of a “shapeshifter” might not be the actual cause of Jimmy leaving, it is something Gretchen fears could be the reason. Although I agree that Jimmy’s fear of intimacy really drove him to run, I think

I liked the contrast between how Sam handled the trildora (fedilby?) dude breakup a couple episodes ago and how she handled Xander horning in on dinner. In both she clearly gives zero fucks about the guy’s feelings. However, she sucks it up and makes the evening work with her ex - solely because that makes it better

I’m with Michael! My bet for the most-true parallel between GoodPlaceWorld (v.803) and our AVClub-shared-universe-reality: the Jacksonville Jaguars will _never_ win the Super Bowl >;-D

rewatching, and just now noticed something that made me snort up my drink all over my remote: at the very bottom of the 2-shot focused on Candace/Jimmy (when Candace is telling Jimmy not to screw up her long-standing relationship with People mag) you can see Gretchen poking her head up out of the stairwell & looking

Sushi and the Banshees!!!
This made me happy