My preference is easily Kasich but I also live in his state. He’s white bread, but he’s also willing to cross the aisle on some things. Rubio wouldn’t be.
My preference is easily Kasich but I also live in his state. He’s white bread, but he’s also willing to cross the aisle on some things. Rubio wouldn’t be.
I bought a lot of them to play with my girlfriend. They’re fine in short doses but I can only handle maybe 2 hours a week of them.
Welcome to like 10 years ago. DC has been pretty atrocious most of the 21st century.
They probably share my feelings on Total War, which is that I kinda get bored.
Yeah, but some of us haven’t spent 150 hours on Europa Universalis and we want OUR game recognized.
But does it have sea shanties????!
Just going to go ahead and star all of the responses here because that game owned.
Yeah, I was going to write something similar. There’s about as much evidence Bonds took PEDs as there is that global warming is happening.
Right. I remember that. I also remember shooting a lot of them and I was a mediocre player at best in CS. The bunny-hopping was totally not playing as the game intended, but it was not hard to counter (hah!) at all with a surgical strike (hah! hah!).
I have no memory of bunny-hopping being that game breaking. They still died when you shot them if I recall
Voice drove me out of CS. Not that they care of course.
Further proof that Ennis is a national treasure, even if that nation is Great Britain.
This is a good deal in a vacuum, but I’ll be damned if i’m buying the exact same bundle of games I bought with my PS3. Come on Sony!
This is a good deal in a vacuum, but I’ll be damned if i’m buying the exact same bundle of games I bought with my…
They did in the article: Jim Lee.
My problem with Lee is 1) Him being on a book means it’s going to be delayed forever and 2) He designed some terrible costumes for New 52.
I’m right there with you. I pulled the trigger on my PS3 purchase to get Uncharted 1&2 with 3 when 3 was brand new. It seems weird to me that they’re trying to entice me with the same package like 4 years later (I don’t remember when I actually bought my system).
I’m right there with you. I pulled the trigger on my PS3 purchase to get Uncharted 1&2 with 3 when 3 was brand new.…
This isn’t a particularly new phenomenon either. Just from my own experience, StarCraft shifted significantly in its updates, even before Brood War.
You can get the GOTY for $10 pretty regularly. By the time you finish it, this would be down to $30 for sure. So if nothing else, you’ll get two great games and come out ahead!
The VATS revamp is the biggest thing that’s keeping me from picking up the game. I really enjoyed the time-stopping in FO3 and NV and felt that set it apart from other games. This new VATs seems...less as far as my personal tastes go.