Recently Supreme Court Justice and noted delightful human Antonin Scalia claimed that affirmative action prevents…
Recently Supreme Court Justice and noted delightful human Antonin Scalia claimed that affirmative action prevents…
“And she’s not the best person to make that claim since she is a woman who has had a very successful career in music.”
Go, Gaga! I don’t think she’s particularly great on AHS, but she knows what the hell she’s doing music-wise. It’s amazing—the better you are at your job in the entertainment industry as a woman, the less respect you get for knowing what you’re doing.
Nothing wrong with a woman’s naked body. You know you can still see intelligence and personality when you see a naked female body. Women may take their clothes off, but they still manage to keep their brain. You realize the brain doesn’t fall off with the clothes, don’t you.
Who is supposed to talk about it then? If you DON’T succeed, no one listens to you or you’re just “bitter” or else you don’t know what you’re talking about. I love all these people saying she has no right to talk about it because she managed to get some success. That’s awfully convenient because it means no one gets…
Exactly right. Prime example Ke$ha.
The problem is you can do well financially and still be mistreated due to the power imbalance between the execs and the people they have trapped in exploitative contracts.
I would much rather have a loris.
It’s tragic that BurtReynoldsIsMySpiritGuide (Rebecca Rose) is no longer around to have written this Dirt Bag. She’d explode.
Ready to have your mind blown? Emilio Estevez is Charlie Sheen’s brother
Burt Reynald’s comment remind me of the Golden Girls where they thought Rose had HIV. She got mad and said Blanche deserved to get it and not her. At least Rose had the good sense to apologize to Blanche. Same with that Designing Women where Julie told that one woman if they were handing out STDs as punishment she…
Today I learned that Martin Sheen is Charlie Sheen’s father and also that Martin Sheen is not Michael Douglas.
And why does it have gray hair in its eyebrows?
The only differences between babies I am able to detect at that age is skin colour, hair colour, and eye colour.
You spelled ‘soulless’ wrong.
regular reminder that all babies look the same