
Straw man argument much?

"The cunt is purple. The cunt is so funny. We all love the cunt!"

There. Fixed it for ya. You're welcome.

Indigentia works great for heartburn, but the side effects are a bitch.

Ok, reading back I see you meant was the Z an auto. Yes.

Yeah, perhaps "thunderclaps" is a bit much. But the fact that we were in a convertible with the top down, and going through roads that generally had a mountain on one side or the other reflecting the sound, it was pretty loud.

Same here. Loving that car big time.

I rode with a buddy in his Z4 35is over some fun North Carolina twisties. Those thunderclaps when he downshifted into the turns was sweet.

You mad, bro?

I've been crushing on this lady for years. Who says you can't be beautiful and sexy in your later years? Her scenes in Elegy almost made me forget about Penelope, another crush.


I want to have this FB's babies.


You "hate pizza"?

441 between Cherokee, NC and Gatlinburg, TN can be wall-to-wall assholes.

I've been educated about that on the interwebs here. Always called it that, and really, the difference in outcome is minor, in my opinion. But yes, Moka pot it is.

Dear Nelson: Sign right here and press hard, you're making copies.