I agree with Lebatard. But you are simply a parrot
I agree with Lebatard. But you are simply a parrot
This is journalism. Great job of reporting just the facts and not editorializing. So glad to see a reporter who can report facts without needing to have an opinion on the story.
This is what bothers you about humanity? not war?
Is it cultural appropriation when people celebrate Christmas withough respect for the Christian beliefs underscoring the holiday?
Have you ever considerEd part of your problem may be that you only have one story; and you don’t do a great job of making us care about the protagonist.
Complaining without offering solutions or even identifying a specific problem. Everyone agrees (or should) innocent people shouldn’t be killed. What is the problem and how do we solve it?
How do you have “first degrees of separation” with Tom hanks?
Hoe is your life like 4 degrees of Kiefer sutherland?
“Kingpin” bill Murray? Woody harrelson?
Whose gesture isn’t empty? Who is in favor of police brutality? I don’t think anyone is pro-police brutality. I don’t think anyone is in favor of innocent the people being murdered (regardless of skin color, or who does the killing).
I still don’t understand what they are protesting against or what they intend to accomplish.
Posts like this hamper people like her from being able to move on with their lives. She is nothe a public figure and reporting about her employment does nothing but hurt her
Should they be able to make their statement without harassment or should they be ridiculed for their thoughts? Both?
All of these comments sound like excuses for why you all have not exceeded to the degree you think you should have.
Stop being such a pussy. No one is given anything. If you want something go get it
Do you have citations for those studies?
Do you know how negotiating works.
But what if he is innocent? Have you completely ruled out that possibility?