

It's hilarious.

There should be a neutral option for each match, a tie of sorts, because sometimes one can't decide between the two movies being shown.

Yes, but will *we* be here still? A "bit buggy" is the understatement of the millennium. This isn't "a bit buggy" - it's frakking not working and it's frustrating every single visitor on a minute-by-minute basis. By the time the tech team gets this whole mess fixed, it may well be the case that most of the regulars

I'm not sure I understand their conclusion. What's the difference between that and, say, watching some expensive tool being destroyed? Do people react to the destruction of an expensive car the same way they react to the destruction of money? Does a non-carpenter react to the destruction of an expensive carpenter tool

"It would be really great if Bell were the final villain... "

"Because magnetism doesn't hold molecules or atoms together."

You know, I just watched that snippet again a few minutes ago and now I'm thinking that that was in fact what Bell had in mind, but that it then failed. My hunch is that Bell wanted to switch to Peter, possibly with nefarious intentions in regards to the doomsday machine, possibly not, but that it failed because Peter

Why would saying something about the strong or weak forces be any less stupid than the magnetism explanation? Mind you, I'm not defending the magnetism explanation. On the contrary, it was stupid in the extreme and just plain wrong. But so would be any other attempt to explain what ultimately is an absurd concept.

Indeed. At that moment in the episode, I was *sure* Bell was going to transfer his katra to Peter. Alas...

"Dude, it's always been pseudo-science."

"I was assuming that Bell in a shapeshifter wouldn't have any trouble making himself look like Leonard Nimoy."

Because then it's not Leonard Nimoy playing Bell anymore, and rumor has it that he's coming back.

No, no, I meant our universe's Bell. Remember that he was with Olivia and Walter when our team went over there to grab Peter and that he died sending our team back. So, it's entirely possible that our Bell's body is in a morgue somewhere in Walternate's secret lab, well preserved and ready to accept our Bell's katra.

Ok, folks, you've read it here first. Here's how I think Bell is going to get his Nimoy body back. Bellivia is going to travel to the alternate universe and find Bell's body (which is probably being kept by Walternate's people for unknown reasons). Then Bell's katra is going to transfer to Bell's body and both he and

"All science in the beginning but ends up with magic light."

"And the whole bodily-possession storyline is just perhaps one level of wackiness too far for me."

You're kidding, right? The Incredibles/Forbidden Planet ? Solaris-72/Fifth Element ? Alien/Godzilla-54 ?