
Polls like this (about pop culture items) hardly ever take into account a factor that has a huge impact on the results: how long ago the items in question appeared. Only a small fraction of relatively young people will have an interest in older pieces so, as a result, the vast majority of respondents will not have

I think you should take your own advice, because

How about Herminone's time-piece in Harry Potter and The Prisoner Of Askhaban? It is a machine of sorts, even if driven by magic rather than by science (though, in the world of HP, magic is their science).

Now that would have been a (nice) surprise.

Hah! +1000

You've read it here first, folks. Give it a few episodes and Belly (in whoever's body) will be telling Walter "I have been, and always shall be, your friend" and/or "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few... or the one."

Hah! At least someone got the meaning of my post. :)

He's now a bit of an old man for costumes, don't you think? :)

I'm tempted to say that you wouldn't have missed it if you had seen my post about it on the odeck. :)

Now playing

Carolyn Porco: Fly me to the moons of Saturn

That the SM is incomplete is a given, no question that it is. I was just pointing out that SUSY being dismissed isn't as big of a problem for the SM as a lay person might be led to believe from your original statement.

"WIth the LHC results looking increasingly bad for Supersymmetry, which in turn throws doubt on the Standard Model"

"But first physicists need to understand gravitons, hypothetical quantum particles that mediate the gravitational force."

Fair enough. :)

Now, see, that's not fair towards the article's author but If that's really the case, maybe I should start charging for my replies. After all, he does get paid to write the articles. :)

I would hope the former. :)

In one word, yes.

You're welcome!

Well said.

Thanks! I appreciate that people appreciate my effort. :)