
"I'm going to disconnect the purely analytical and critical parts of my brain for the last three episodes."

"Every time I see 'Prometheus' I am reminded of how sad I was when the Prometheus was destroyed in SG-1."

"Nice dissection, there."

What you call a clear difference may be attributed to factors other than merely using N.

He may very well be right, but it's a big gamble and a huge lack of responsibility on his part to claim that we don't need to worry about energy. He's been wrong before.

"Why some people fill their tires with nitrogen"

I often think that some niners should get together and seriously write a pilot for a tv show. I'm sure that putting together the creative talents and scientific knowledge of some niners we'd be able to come up with something that is intriguing, engaging, and minimally scientifically accurate, with relatively little

Yes, but I can't remember the details now.

"Here's betting the ship shows up, like the cavalry, just as things are reaching horrible-shitstorm levels of crisis with the ACs and the power struggle?"

I was surprised - and terribly disappointed - with Tate's statement that perhaps they should re-evaluate the nature of the supernatural. That was VERY CHEAP writing.

Yes, the physicist in the video does, but I was referring to the article's author inaccurate article title.

Not a problem. We all make them every once in a while. :)

It makes sense once one learns that photons are indivisible. A photon is either absorbed whole, or not absorbed at all.

It's a somewhat complicated yes.

So have I. (Missed you, I mean, not myself)

Point taken. I would have, if I had the time or inclination. Nonetheless, better in a long written post than not at all, wouldn't you say?

First, I'm not correcting him. I'm adding more information. Secondly, I too am an expert in the field. I happen to be a theoretical particle physicist.

"Why can we see through glass but not other solids?"