
Stupid design indeed. PM ping. (And thanks for the retro tip!)

I think some of the people defending this bill have been watching the movie Sneakers lately. Great movie, but almost entirely fictional.

"And nice in-joke, having a book by Dr. Spock next to William Bell's diplomas."

I'm not defending Mission To Mars; rather, I'm criticizing Red Planet. Both were ludicrous for the most part, but MTM at least was minimally sensible until the face on Mars stuff at the end. Red Planet's depiction of stuff growing on the Martian surface, not to mention that stupid robotic animal-looking thing, was

"It's a fine addition to the subgenre of "semi-realistic space films set within our solar system in which mind-expanding shit happens," a category which includes Sunshine, 2001: A Space Odyssey and several others."

Quartz is common everywhere on Earth.

"When polarized light is forced through a lattice, like when it shines through a crystal, light waves oriented in the wrong direction are choked off."

@Arsnof: As the person who coined Otherlivia, I take offense that the show chose to go with Fauxlivia. :)

"Quantum entanglement says that two particles can become intertwined so that they always share the same properties, even if they're separated in space."

Awesome.... another retarded idea for a movie.

@jinglepink: Then we're even, because I hadn't seen this one. :)

I don't know if they give Pullitzers for TV show reviews, Annalee, but you surely deserve a few if they do.

I would love to see a live-action TBs series done seriously (seriously in the sci-fi sense, of course).

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I've mentioned this before, but it's worth an encore shout...

@TheNewSun: I said "next", not his old movies.