
You know what would be really trippy? If in the next movie, Harrison Ford had a scene where he's, say, watching Firefly or where you can see the Firefly DVDs on his shelf or something similar.

The question is, though, does it vibrate at the right frequency to entice aliens to come down on the user?

Nice! Congratulations to the winners.

@antonchigurh: Yeah... these are the latest experimental results to come out of LittleDragon's labs. :)

@antonchigurh: I'm here, half-asleep in the corner. What's up?

It's just a matter of time before we discover tons of Earth-like planets. We're not exceptional in that regard.

I've said it in the odeck and I'll say it again here. I'm following Edna Mode's advice: No Capes!

I'll tell ya... a creature that has two penises and wears wigs over its ears has got to be the freakist creature ever.

@BlueBeard: I don't have a video for that. That's a trick I learned when I was a kid, nearly 40 years ago.

I can do better than this. I can cleanly break a glass bottle anywhere, without using any knives or swords.

I'll watch anything with a Scandinavian woman, especially if she's by my side. :)

@kwreid: Not having read the research paper, that was my first impression as well.

"At 150 nanoTesla, the field was about 300 times weaker than the Earth's magnetic field, [...], as iron doesn't resonate unless the frequencies are 100 to 1000 times stronger than the field created in the room."

@BoxOfScraps: Yes, I understood that to be what you meant in your first post. What I was trying to say is that using a thruster or booster solely for the purpose of generating artificial gravity, as in the picture you drew, is too expensive for the benefits it provides. Far cheaper is to spin the ship/station at the